alot of wine

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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After moving all my wine from the basement to various spots
upstairs(where ever I could fit any) Ive discovered that I have alot of
wine! I have accumulated 432 bottles of various wines so far that are
all mine. I think Im going to have to rethink my wine rack holding
capabilities as I already have 2 IMs on order from George and @ Ice
wine kits ready to pick up at my local store. Im making them much
faster than we drink them.
The upside of this, you should be able to age a lot of these, seeing how they develop over time!
Suggestion! Send some my way and I will store it for you! Don't worry! I will make sure it is kept cool and in a safe place.
Edited by: jsmahoney
JS, I highly dought that it is cool in your belly!
JW, you are right and quite a fe of these have a year on them already!
I'm starting to have the same problem Wade...... It's so much fun to make this stuff, you forget to drink it!

The other problem that you'll have, that I recently ran across on a couple of bottles it that if you didn't add extra K-meta at bottling, most of these kits will last about 2 years. I have 3 kits, a Johannesburg Riesling, a Riesling and a merlot that I didn't add anything at bottling that is almost 3 years old. It is losing the fruity taste to it and is very alcohol forward tasting. I'm sure results may very depending on storage, and mine were not stored at the optimum temperature and light for the first 2 years, so I'm sure that helped age this stuff out quicker.
Wade....glad you have such a nice stash....

I always think I am going to run out of empty bottles....and space. Then by the time a batch is finally done there are empty bottles ready and waiting.

As of the end of last year I started putting a case of 12 bottles of each batch away to age, so those bottles are out of the wine racks still have space on them.

Seems we give plenty away and that keeps the stock rotating too.

I am sure that your renovation crew would enjoy a few bottles....and now you won't be making as much, so the stock will dwindle.....get busy and enjoy a few bottles.

How did your Nut Brown Ale turn out????
From the beginning Ive always used the extra k-meta and 1.75 corks and
had everything with any age on it in the big ol fridge at 55* so Im
good there. The way Im kooked I either need to become an alcholic very
shortly or build alot of wine storage!

What a problem to have. To be able to make more wine than you can drink. I know that if this a problem, let be the first to offer my assistance in helping you keep up.

Or else Wade could hold his own party/festival and call it Wadestock.

Your problem is getting too many of those bottles close to each other-just like rabbits and cats - instant over-population. You do remember to put a stash of condoms near them don't you?
I suggest you hold a few tasting parties! Then you can get unbiased comments on your wines and pass them along! And think of how much your friends and neighbors will enjoy it. The true joy of wine is the sharing with those who appreciate it.
Everyone beat me to the party, but it would be quite nice if you had a vertical tasing of some of the same types provided you made some of the same ones over time.

Monthly party sounds like the cure.

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