WineXpert Alsatian Riesling slow ferment

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2008
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Started my Alsatian Riesling 5 days ago. It has gone from a starting sg of 1.099 to 1.032. It is supposed to be at 1.010 at 5 to 7 days. It has not been a very vigorous fermentation. Temp is 72 degrees and the yeast was EC1118. I am tempted to add some yeast nutrient but thought I would get some opinions first. Should I leave it alone or add a 1/2 tsp of nutrient to perk it up and ensure a complete fermentation to dry. thanks, Ron
Adding some yeast nutrient would be OK, but also give it a good stir...May just need some more O2 to get the yeast going...
Every Riesling I have made has been slow to ferment! Give it a good stir and yeast nutrient (if you want) and don't worry a slower ferment for whites is a good thing.
thanks again for the imput. I have stirred it up and added nutrient and it perked right up. Ron