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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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Tonight I drank beer and cooked Buffako steaks on the grill.

I hope you don't think bad of me because I didn't mention wine. But as the Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights) started to stream across the sky I realised it could be one of the last times we have the bonfire/cookout/talk **** with the guys before we called winter officially here.

Had to listen to the past summers golf games and the Moose I almost got stories. I have never golfed, and have only got one Moose in the last 30 yrs, although I have butchered a few, I know it is alot more work than you realize.:D

As for me, I am glad to have you all as my friends. I enjoy your company, and I don't need to worry how you'd like your steak, though I will drink your beer if I can.

That doesn't mean I wont eat your share of the Buffalo steaks. Sorry, guess you just had to be there.:D

So, in conclusion. Tonight I drink beer. Tommorrrow, I start wine.

On deck: Banana/Apple Cider(with a touch of toasted Walnuts),
Alaskan Low Bush Cranberry, and just to be official gonna do a gallon of the JMAOM. I hope by having three going at one time I will be official wine maker. Only time will tell, but testers are always easy to find.

Gotta get er done. Tommorow I clean fermenters, Christmas I give it all away.


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I guess my first question would be,,,, who bought the beer? :) I imagine that winter isn't too far away for you up there so enjoy the fleeting moment you have with gusto.
I have to admit that I'm a little jealous, the "northern lights" and steak.
Years back we had a season of very high solar flare activity and for once we had the lights down here in Florida for just a few nights. Nothing like what I see in the films and photos of your area. It was more like a faint foggy red cloud that was visible in our night sky. Still it was cool for Florida.
The Northern Lights are something magical, there is really know way to capture it on film or photos.

I bought the beer, Mark bought the steaks. Mark and my buddy Phil are both Texans, I am a pollack from Wisconsin(long time ago, seems), so you can be assured Leanne it was still kickin'.

If you would have asked where I got the Buffalo steaks, I could have came up with a good Bullshi@ story. LOL
I spent a christmas in Chicago. Had a great time. They really seem to like Brits there.
Wonderful wineries in Doors county too.
I'm glad you were able to visit Door County. Wisconsin is a beatiful place. Been here most of my life, but I am determined to make wine to rival those found back home.

I thought I detected an accent. At first I thought it was me!:d

i'm glad you were able to visit door county. Wisconsin is a beatiful place. Been here most of my life, but i am determined to make wine to rival those found back home.

I thought i detected an accent. At first i thought it was me!:d


:) .
U are forgiven, Troy. We ferment's just what we do. Beer is just fermented barley (wheat, whatever) and hops. Ferment on, man. Thanks for sharing.
Tonight I drank beer and cooked Buffako steaks on the grill.

I hope you don't think bad of me because I didn't mention wine. But as the Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights) started to stream across the sky I realised it could be one of the last times we have the bonfire/cookout/talk **** with the guys before we called winter officially here.

Autumn is here, drooling weather. Rain, chilly, clouded.
Really depressing.
I almost envy you.

Nothing wrong with beer...

But you should be making it rather than buying it. :)
Hey you will have to let me know how the low bush cranberry/lingonberry wine came out. I wasn't able to collect enough to make wine, but was able to make some awesome jam for christmas gifts. I was only able to collect a half gallon of blueberries near Central in July/Aug and by the time I got back to Anchorage all of the greedy people harvested the hillsides clean so I had to resort to jam with the blueberries too instead of wine. :( How much fruit did you use for the cranberry wine?
We like beer here also but prefer making it ourself. please tell me it wasnt bud, miller or coors though.
Luc, we'll se how much envy you have around Christmas whe I report -40F:)
We like beer here also but prefer making it ourself. please tell me it wasnt bud, miller or coors though.

i like regular budweiser. i'm an stl guy, so it's in my blood? the whole inbev thing is bs though. i drink way more wine than beer though. mostly homemade.

it's funny to cuz most guys my age are like, "you drink wine?" i go, "yep, and i make it too." lol. i guess i'm wise beyond my years? either that or i drink too much. :b
I wish i had the room. I am sure sometime I wil make beer but for now I am trying to get the wine down. I envy those of you with running water and seperate rooms for your hobby!
I don't make beer. Here in UK we can buy high abv beer very cheaply.
I might give it a go one day. :h

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