But then you are including all grapes in this protocol and there are many native grapes that are higher in acid that you wouldn't use this method on. As I said--you may chose other yeasts for other reasons and you shouldn't just buy in to the fact that one size fits all. Especially on cool weather grapes.
For grapes over 11g per Litre TA , and a ph under 3.2 there are no other yeasts readily available that can reduce Malic durring primary as well as maurvin b can .
This is critical because when working with really high acid cold climate grapes like natives or hybrids you need to get the ph up before mlf as most MLB can't get started at phs that low.
Before maurvin b , carbonate in the primary , 1112 yeast then a long cold stabilization followed by mlf was the default protocol in commercial wineries in the north east . This increased spoilage risk and muddied the fruit character.
But a yeast that can metabolize 56% Malic , bring out fruit flavours and colour , it's a great tool . All I'm saying is try it , a lot of North East professional winemakers swear by it for high acid grape musts .
In using it myself , I've had great results even with Frontinac that cam in at 23 brix , 15 TA and a 2.9 ph .
Using infernos protocol the ph cam up to 3.3 and the TA down to 8.9
Blending in 10% cab sauv and aging in a barrel for 12 months with biolees turned what I thought would be cooking wine into a favourite .
Since you have to use yeast anyway , why not try maurvin b? Even if carbonate is part of your protocol I don't see any down side.
Maurviin b is a step change in yeast for high acid musts . A great tool .
For high acid whites its also good to bring acid down without doing mlf .
So if faced with a 9g/l reisling , a very common situation , maurvin b would be my first choice .
One size fits all ? No , but it works well without the potential flavour down side of carbonate.
The only way you'll know for sure , is if you do two side by side batches of the same grape must following two different protocols .
One can't know what works best without trying different methods.