Anyone Growing Corot Noir?

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Will be planting some new varieties and wondered if you are growing this grape? Suggestions, tips, advice are always most welcomed!

Grapeman? Al?

I have a few remnants of them left from 5 years ago, but they are coming out this spring. They are a great grape and I believe they would do fine for you over there, but it is a bit too cold here.They are a great grower, crop well and make a wonderful wine- one of the best for a hybrid. You will likely need to add sugar as they rarely make it above about 19-20 brix even in a great year. They do get some tannins in them and the flavors and colors are great..
I have a few remnants of them left from 5 years ago, but they are coming out this spring. They are a great grape and I believe they would do fine for you over there, but it is a bit too cold here.They are a great grower, crop well and make a wonderful wine- one of the best for a hybrid. You will likely need to add sugar as they rarely make it above about 19-20 brix even in a great year. They do get some tannins in them and the flavors and colors are great..

Besides making a varietal of this, do you think blending with a Frontenac is good?

Also, trellis type structure?

Bob, i am not growing it, but i would consider a trial in the next 3 yrs after i get my next building hands are full right now but there are so many grapes to try and just not enough time in a day
I have some as well compliments of a very nice gentleman from Morrisonville, NY. Coming up on 3rd leaf this Spring but so far they are doing well. Also have Marquette and Noiret.

Are all your vines radioactive?????? :D

Photoshop or thousands of lights on your vines?

Awesome photo!

Tried ordering Frontenac *** Corot Noir from Double A *** they are out of stock on both! So, thanks to one of the posters on another thread, they mentioned Grafted Grapevines *** I was able to order from them.

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Darn, I was planning on buying corot noir from double A. Gotta find a new source now.
Darn, I was planning on buying corot noir from double A. Gotta find a new source now.

Give them a call tomorrow! The site says out of stock but I talked to the gal there and was able to order six of them. Don't know how many you need but it's worth a try.

Pruning Question

I planted 12 Corot Noir vines and now am stumped as to how to prune these. They have a lot of shoots coming off the trunk. Do I prune down to the two best?

Then, how many buds do I leave on the vine for this years growth? I know I'm establishing the root system at this point but this vine is very new to me.


Looks like a nice vine. Hopfully Rich will pop in sooner or later but he is getting busy in the vineyard. First year you usually pinch off any buds that form. Then just a few the next year and then your good to go in the third leaf.
I would cut where I show the red mark to keep that shoot on the right as the main shoot this year. If you have a grow tube, the vine will fit in it. Just let it grow for this year after doing that. If the top beyond view is damaged, you can prune it back past the damage. Don't knock any buds off this year from what grows. You will prune next spring. If no grow tube, keep it tied loosely to your stake. Soryy, I have been pruning and had two markets along with a Mothers Day tasting (don't ask why it wasn't ON Mothers Day!?

Corot Noir.jpg
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Ok, Rich. I don't see the red mark, but I think you're telling me to cut off the big left shoot between the right shoot and the first upright shoot to its left.

Does that make sense? I've got grow tubes left over from last year's Marquette that I could use, but most of the new vines have shoots that go off at 45 degree angles.

I assume I should prune down to one good, vertical shoot if there's one and use the grow tubes.

Thanks for taking the time during what sounds like a non-stop day!

Pruned and Ready to Grow

New vines (Corot Noir and Frontenac) are all pruned and residing in
my blue growth tubes.

Growth Tube Question For Corot Noir

The new vines are rapidly growing out of the tubes. Some are 1-2 feet above the tubes.


I know you are supposed to remove the tubes before Fall, and wonder if this would be a good time due to the established growth?

On the other hand, they are protected from critters and to a lesser extent, Japanese beetles that are now present.

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