No published paper of it, yet. It is my own design and is under development and testing. You guys are some of the first to see and hear about it. Dr. Justine Vanden Heuvel of Cornell is currently working with me on an article for my training systems trial, which includes this innovation. Yesterday we had a joint Extension and Hid-In-Pines Vineyard (me) hosted field meeting where I explained pruning and basic training involved in the trial. There will be a couple more meetings and a published final report at year end. It seems to be working well, but as any new product or system, there is a period of testing.
I am finding some interesting results with the pruned wood from last year. All four of the training systems had similar wood produced which indicates the vines vigor. The Mod GDC and Scott Henry have two fruiting wires so you might think they would produce twice as much woood, but that isn't the case. The Scott Henry produced some more, but not the Mod GDC. It had a much heavier harvested crop, so it produced less wood per pound of fruit. A vine balance or vigor is usually given as pounds of fruiit produced per pound one year wood. Marquette averaged 10 pounds fruit per 3 pounds of wood or 3.33 to 1 indicating high vigor. The Mod GDC produced 25 pounds fruit per 3 pounds of wood or a bit over 8 to 1, indicating a much lower vigor.