This is the one i was thinking i would try? The high cordon?
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This is the one i was thinking i would try? The high cordon?
Listen to Al, let a few clusters grow on the second year. Best thing about it is that it lets you get an idea of when you will be harvesting the grapes. Of course every year varies, but you can learn a lot from those first clusters, it might even give you a clue as to when to protect them from the birds!!
I would just net the few you have. The bird calls are quite expensive.
The calls are species specific. They have a list of the birds each call takes care of. Around here they are effective for one or two years and then the birds ignore them.Yeah but they sound cool!. Makes you feel like you're in a jungle or something. When I worked for a big box we had to install them to help keep the birds out. They only work on some species, not all.
If the netting isn't closed off birds will find their way into the grapes.
Hi guys, I also am planting 6 Marquette vines when I get them in a few weeks. I also have 6 blu-x-vine shelters for them. I have a 20 feet by 8 feet piece of land for the vines in my garden. 2 rows, vines will be 6 feet apart, 3 per row. I also have my trellis up. I had the 12 ga. wire so I went for a 3 wire trellis system. Everything is in place just waiting on the vines.