Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

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Hi Grapeman,
I think you said that you have been replacing your Frontenac with Marquette as it is a better wine grape (less acidity). I'd like to do the same but wonder how it's done. Do you just pull out the Frontenac vine and then put in a Marquette in its place? I've only got 4 Frontenac vines (and 4 Frontenac Gris). .
Why do you need a replacement? Maybe the best option is just to land and Marquette! Of all these varieties, you can get quite a decent wine. The only thing I did so it increased the number of vines well until at least six.
Well that would be an option but I don't have much room to add more vines. If I did it would be East/West and in a shady spot (trees in the way) which would not be ideal. My vines now (8 of them) are North/South and do very well as far as sunlight. The other option I have explored was to source some Marquette grapes (or another variety like Valiant) from local growers and combine with the Frontenac to reduce the acidity. But as Grapeman has said Frontenac are tricky in wine making even if you can get the acid levels under control.
I will say that your Marquettes are much more "tame" than my Frontenac. They look very nice. My Frontenac grow very vigorously. I've pruned them two or three times this season (and that's after the initial pruning in early March) and they are still going strong. I had much fruit early in the season but lost much to mildew. I don't spray any fungicide. I had no problem last year but this year we have had an excessive amount of rain.
I want to grow marquette but I do not want to set a the typical grape wine trellis system. Is there an alternative whereby I can set up more of a pergola to grow them and still achieve some decent yield? I only want to plant about 4 to 6 vines.

Are they deep rooted?

Thanks for any help!
Marquette has a high growth force and will grow well on the pergola. Seedling is planted at a standard depth of about 1 - 1.5 feet.
Thank you!'

My yard is north facing. Should i make a pergola that runs length wise in a north-south direction or east to west? Where should the vines be planted along the pergola? How far apart? and Lastly, how tall should the pergola be constructed?

What kind of yield can I expect from 6 vines?

Thank you
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What kind of yield can I expect from 6 vines?

Figure 12 lbs per vine or so for a total of 72 lbs. Might be less depending on your training system. One general rule of thumb is that it takes 100 lbs of grapes to make 5 gallons of wine. Last year, I had 4.25 gallons of wine after crushing and pressing 70 lbs of Marquette. That would be about 21 750 ml bottles.

Figure 12 lbs per vine or so for a total of 72 lbs. Might be less depending on your training system. One general rule of thumb is that it takes 100 lbs of grapes to make 5 gallons of wine. Last year, I had 4.25 gallons of wine after crushing and pressing 70 lbs of Marquette. That would be about 21 750 ml bottles.


Sounds about right... i think i get roughly 2.3 gallons (9 L/lug) of finished wine per lug.
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What are you going to use the pergola for? I think that is a Much more important question. How many people will you have using it? I have a pergola, put it in about 15 years ago. Used 4x4's and 2x6's. 10 footers i think. All from Home Depot.
I'm leaving the forum as I've lost interest in growing the Marquettes or any other vines. Also stopped making wine. Thanks to all who've made suggestions, etc. This site is a fantastic resource and I'll point people in this direction if they ask about wine making. Take care. Bob
Planted my 5 vines last weekend. Theyve been in my cool basement in a bucket of water for about 5 weeks and all but one has 12-18" of growth on it. There were 2 buds on it but I think they must have gotten knocked off the last few weeks when my wife/kids moved them in and outside to harden them off (I've been away for work). I know itll be ok in the long run, but will it rebud this year? Will the roots grow this season or will in be a year behind?
I had a merqutte vine that I thought was dead. I had some UV tubes so placed one around the vine I thought I lost. It did begin regrgowing. If you place such a tube around the vine it may regrow at a faster rate than just waiting for nature to run its course. I got mine through the mail from Double A VIneyards
I had a merqutte vine that I thought was dead. I had some UV tubes so placed one around the vine I thought I lost. It did begin regrgowing. If you place such a tube around the vine it may regrow at a faster rate than just waiting for nature to run its course. I got mine through the mail from Double A VIneyards

I pulled out all my Marquette because they were to difficult to grow organically and replaced them with Petite Pearl. I think Petite Pearl Is the best cold climate wine grape available.

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