How does Aug 19th look, it is a Friday?
August 19 looks good for me too. Actually I can make it any day of that week. What say you, Al?
We could probably meet somewhere in the Cranberry area and jump on Route 79 (unless you have a better location).
How does Aug 19th look, it is a Friday?
Road trip would be a great idea, have 5 full carboys in various stages getting close to being bottled. Hopefully we can schedule a day that would be convient to all? Don't know if the supplier needs them removed quickly or not. Being retired, most any day will work for me, this weekend is open if not too quick of a notice? The 12th on will not work though. Suggestions??
This sounded like a great deal I wished I lived closer because you folks out that way have had a lot of good deals that I would love to got and right now I am in Tn. visiting my grandkids so a little out of my way home. Thanks for the offer