Apple Cider Wine?

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I agree, I would give it a little more time before doing anything to it.
I used 71B-1122 yeast. I only had one packet. I have a few K1-V1116.

Today still nothing. I used 6 crushed Campden Tablets because the recipe called for 1 per gallon and I am making siz gallons.
How is it going? I started an spiced-mulled apple wine and had a little
trouble with it getting it started too. I added a little more yeast
nutient to it and another sachet of yeast and warmed it up a little by
putting a light very close to it.and BAMMM, it took off like a
rocket. I probably didnt have to add more yeast but I got impatiet(not
a winemakers friend) but its done so, oh well. Moral to the story is
try putting a little nutrient or energizer in and maybe boost up the
temp just a little if its anywhere near being too cold. I think yeast
has a little harder time getting started when the temp is down but the
rest of mine that are already going have no problem.
Glad to hear the apple is hopping now! I just started a plum this morning and it is singing to me with an aroma that only a winemaker can appreciate!
Last night I added another packet of yeast. Today I stirred it and it looked like maybe it is starting to fizz a little bit. Tommorrow I will add nutirent and energizer if it looks the same.

Thank you everyone for giving me pointers. If it wasn't for this forum I probably would have given up all together.