WineXpert Apres Chocolate Raspberry

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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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I started a Chocolate Raspberry Port last weekend. Looking at the directions they are different then the last kit I made 10 years ago. Now it’s says to add all the chaptalization pack all at ounce. Last time I added it in3 stages. Anyone have any comments? I’m thinking going with 3 stages.
Thanks, Bakervinyard
When I made mine I didn't add the F-Pack until about 6 months of aging. I added all of it but regretted that after I tasted it as it was a little sweeter than I would have liked it. Add it in stages and taste in between until it gets to where you like it.
I went back and reviewed my notes on my Apres Choc/Rasp desert wine. Fermented in March. I dumped all the Chaptilazation pack in at once. After AF and secondary, I aged till late Oct. Bottled (sampled-Delicious), and brought it out at Thanksgiving. A big hit and I just followed the directions. I’m down to a bottle maybe two.
Thanks for the reply’s. I’ll follow the directions and then fortify it with brandy.
Mekpdue, what was your final ABV ?
Mekpdue, what was your final ABV ?
I started off with a SG of 1.120 (I also added 1lb of sugar to primary to get to 1.120) it finished at .994 giving it around 16.5%.

Great aroma! I wrote that in my notes too! I think the raspberry comes thru very nice on smell and taste. I’ll be making this again soon. Enjoy!
I added the chaptalization pack all at once, as per the directions. I had misgivings, but it worked fine. My regular notes and an "In Detail" blog are here:
My ABV came in at 17.7%. If I had it to do again, I'd fortify to 19% or 20% with EverClear 151 proof, and skip the sorbate. Sweetness is what I expect from a port / dessert wine.

I bottle wines like this in splits, as I drink a LOT less of it than I would a dry red (or white), and having 30 bottles it lasts longer than 15. ;)

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