Attack of the thrips

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Sep 1, 2011
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Northern wisconsin
If you have wrinkly looking leaves and seeds popping out of green berries along with brown scars on the berries you probably have thrips. At .04” long you can’t see them very easily without a magnifying glass. I let the grass and weeds in the vineyard get really tall and when I finally cut everything I think it sent the thrips to my vines. Here’s a picture of one next to a pin.
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This is the worst year for my vines, last year I noticed the scars had no impact on the berries that didn’t split open. I picked the split berries as I walked thru the vineyard every day, a couple hundred berries maybe prior to harvest. That keeps the wasps and bees away. Prevention is to keep the weeds and grass in vineyard short and mowed regularly. I spray insecticide and try to hit the underside of the leaves. I use the highest power setting and the finest mist so it seems to get every where even if I can’t directly spray on the leaves underside. This is my last insecticide spray of the year.
How are the JB’s? I went from one on a Tuesday to a thousand or more on Saturday. I put out five traps and sprayed the Marquette and Petite Pearl. The rest of the vines are small enough to do manual control.
How are the JB’s? I went from one on a Tuesday to a thousand or more on Saturday. I put out five traps and sprayed the Marquette and Petite Pearl. The rest of the vines are small enough to do manual control.
Very few as in maybe 6 on my plum trees and one in the grapes. I’ve killed so many over the years maybe I’ve got the local population under control.