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Senior Member
Jun 11, 2006
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We are finally going to start bottling 3 gallons of the 9 we have in carboys--

im getting a bit more energy these days


We found a case of empties that miss rockys daughters put in our car last time we were up there--

Scotty,....Glad your getting back in the swing of things.

I can certainly relate to what you are going through....with not being able to enjoy wine and not really being able to enjoy anything on some days....

We really need to rack some wine...and, with your inspiration I have taken out the racking canes and my 'bag of tricks'....maybe tomorrow.

Keep us Posted on your 'feelings' as well as your wine chores....
Good to see you doing better, Now get in shape and ready for Waldo at your next trip to Arkansas!
N. W. get that stuff out--sometimes i take 3 days settimg up--you reminded mei forgot the racking Kane and siphons

J. W. i cant tell you how much i looke forewardto the possibility of seeing waldo agan and maybe a few others showing up too
Hope you continue to improve buddy. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Ms Rocky again. Will see if I can maybe coerce "Tony" alias "Anthony" aka Dragonmaster42 to bing himself and his lady friend with me.
Waldo said:
Hope you continue to improve buddy. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Ms Rocky again. Will see if I can maybe coerce "Tony" alias "Anthony" aka Dragonmaster42 to bing himself and his lady friend with me.

great Waldo