Backsweetened Clarity

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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I recently backsweetened a Welch's Niagara with Welch's White Grape/Peach. In doing so, I lost considerable clarity. Should I use a fining agent or just accept the fact that backsweetening in this manner will have this effect?

Thanks for your help.
I've always let mine bulk age in the Carboy for a month or so, then rack off from the sediment.
I always wait till after I backsweeten to clear any of my wines if I am
using anything other than sugar water mix. You can either bulk age for
awhile, clear using SuperKleer ( I choose this fining agent as some
require a good amount of sediment to work and this one works with
minimal sediment), or you can even filter it.
Let it sit and clear again. It should clear up with a little time. You also want to use that time to assure that fermentation does not restart from your sweetening agent. It isn't recommended to filter a cloudy wine. Wait till it clears again. If it doesn't want to clear, try some Super Kleer or Isinglas to help it along.
I think I may use it (1 gallon) to top off an apple wine (5 gallons); let that clear or use a fining agent then finish backsweetening the apple wine. Thanks for the feedback.
The 5 gallons of apple wine I had made from chopped apples last fall had cleared fairly nicely. It was somewhat dark because the apples had oxidized somewhat--I now know I should have added some ascorbic acid. I racked it, topped it off with 1 gallon Welch's Niagara wine, added 1 can apple juice concentrate, superclear and polysorbate. The apple concentrate and the pre-sweetened Welch's Niagara brought the SG to 1.01. I added an airlock and will check it when I return to the vacation home next month. The blend tasted amazingly good with just a bit more of an alcohol "bite" than I would have preferred. I will let you know how things progress.
You do mean Potassium Sorbate I hope and did you add k-meta with it as they should always go together.
Yes, regarding the sorbate. No, regarding the k-meta. I had previously added k-meta to the apple wine and the Niagara so I didn't feel more was necessary. I will be checking the wine over the next 10 days or so to ensure fermentatikon does not restart.
The Welches Niagara contains quite a bit of K-meta so the level of SO2 could be fine.
I have a similar problem. I made a batch of peach from juice & canned peaches. After sorbating, degassing, etc. I filtered it. Looked beautiful, but tasted too dry. Added some wine conditioner & it tastes perfect - but is cloudy. Do I have to re-filter?
I back sweetened my Welch's white grape/peach - Del Monte Canned peachwith both Welch's grape juice and a little conditioner; just took more time to clear. I filtered too, right before I bottled, but not until it had sat for ohhh 6 more weeks maybe (I wasn't in a hurry for it at this point, even though it was suppose to be a quick maker).
For some dumb reason, I filtered before I back-sweetened. Then I started bottling it. Noticed the clarity problem after a couple of bottles. I guess I'll re-filter & re-bottle. Live & learn.
I appreciate the feedback. I added more fining agent--which may not work since one had been used previously--time will tell. I will let it sit for 30 days and check again.

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