Even MORE than awesome! AWESOME! And like Mike says, great numbers. My highest brix is at 26, but many are still in low 20s and a few even just under. The longer I can let them hang, the more they will get like yours!
Of course... the more they feed the yellow jackets, too!
Pressed after ten days on the skins. 9' brix.
That's a 7 1/2 gallon carboy, and a 5 gallon.
The next day I racked off the gross lees for 10 gallons. Then added my ML culture.
I just drop a hydrometer in the fermenter and see what the SG is. If your fermenter is not deep enough then just fill a test jar deep enough to read it. Once fermentation begins to create alcohol the refractomer will not give a direct reading but there are charts and formulas to figure out the reading if you want to go that way.
Finished pruning the vineyard yesterday, and got blisters on my fingers from the shears to prove it! It appears we are going to have a repeat of last year with an early spring. The Baco's were bleeding pretty bad after the cutting. Still no sign of bud swelling, so that puts us off better than last year.
Hey there folks, have lurked on and off for a while and decided to register and say hi from Heber City.
I am seriously jealous of those 3rd year pictures. The mule deer decimate any progress I make up here. If I can get rid of the 1/8th acre of cobblestone piles I will attempt a PROPER planting. I don't suppose anyone has cuttings left over that do well in this climate?
edit: Now let me tell you about the mole explosion this year...
291 pounds of grapes from 21 vines. I harvested earlier this year, last years vintage was just to big. I tried to make a Chardonnay. This year I'm trying fora a lighter wine. 21.5' Brix. 3.4 PH
Well the season has begun here in Utah. My Baco has already pushed buds, and have been frozen back. Im starting to think that is just how its going to be each spring. The Prairie Star I planted last year are pushing buds now too, and my fingers are crossed they don't get hit with frost. Seyval Blanc is still sleeping. Seyval is perfect for around here, they have so far never been hit with frost.