Bad weekend

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Oh my god, that is awful! So sorry to hear about it, and I thought I had a mess on my hands! Good luck! :-(
That isn an awful crappy story there midwest!!! I feel for you guys, Im a little more furtunate as I have a walkout basement so feel safer with that. Maybe we should just keep the wine flags at 1/2 mast until we have a few months with no problems here!!!!
Good Lord! What stage is the moon in? It's starting to get a bit scary out there! :a
Hmmm, I thought all the bad stuff was supposed to happen on a full moon. Maybe we need to rethink that!
Well I was fishing at 3 in the morning and didnt catch squat, not even a bite so I guess it wasnt a good day at all anywhere. Yes, I did say 3 in the morning!!!!!
Holy smokes Wade, did you go to work after fishing or were you off today. I do not fish but would like to again some day. I think it is totally awesome you found this new obsession. Next year you'll be fly fishing and in 2013 you'll be on a boat with Troy up in Alaska.
Hmmm, I thought all the bad stuff was supposed to happen on a full moon. Maybe we need to rethink that!

Actually, it was a full moon last Friday. A new moon is when you can't see the moon. Just and FYI. :slp
For those of you who go to bed early..... here it is.... the FULL MOON.

Some bright news My home owner insurance company came by and gave me a check.That only made a little dent on replacing my stuff. Now and I just need the city to figure out who's fault it is.
Matt thanks for the update. It's good to hear you at least got something already to help you move forward with clean up and renovation. Are you going to be able to slavage the cabinets with the help of dehumidifiers.
Nothing was able to be salvaged the company working for the city even ripped the shower out and tossed it in a dumpster. They put new water heaters in today so now I have hot water.
That is awful. I hope everything works out getting cleaned up. You can always make more wine. Good Luck
On thye good side at least everything will be new again, well, except for your wine as old is always better then!!

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