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Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
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I am getting 50 pounds of bananas for .25 cent a pound..

What do I do with them all?
Make wine. :slp

or, you can always freeze them in small batches for later use to give wines that extra "body enhancement" many of them need.
I just dont want to make a wine and have it come oue eith no flavor..

Geezzee thanks
Banana Pudding! and it doesn't matter if they start to get over-ripe, they make better pudding that way.
Make a banana/oragge wine. Blend the bananas with pineapples, oranges, peaches etc. Many times a nice blend creates a better flavor than just 1 fruit. Definitely freeze them for now. That will cause the cells to rupture to facilitate the enzymes ability to release the sugar from them.

and I can't resist; bananas....B-A-N-A-N-A-S?
and I can't resist; bananas....B-A-N-A-N-A-S?[/QUOTE]

Thats funny..

I think i have decided to make a small batch if banana wine.. might add a but of citrus to give it some charater.. I am def going to freeze them cause all my primaries are full and will be for about 7-10 days... I am going to add some to my blueberry to add some body even though its been fermenting since sat.. should be ok..

The pie sounds like a good idea for a few pounds..

I can only make a 5 or 6 gallon batch cause thats all I have available for carboys.. Guess i need to save money and get some more.. Yahoo.. More toys..
Banana wine doesn't taste bad at all. Actually, its pretty good. Unfortunately it just doesn't taste anything like banana!:slp
Make a banana/oragge wine. Blend the bananas with pineapples, oranges, peaches etc. Many times a nice blend creates a better flavor than just 1 fruit. Definitely freeze them for now. That will cause the cells to rupture to facilitate the enzymes ability to release the sugar from them.

and I can't resist; bananas....B-A-N-A-N-A-S?

What would you call this an Hawaiian wine or tropical blend and how many lbs of each would you use it sounds like it would be worth trying
The recipe I have on here tasted more like Chablis with little to no banana flavor so if I were to try it again Id at least dble the amount of nanners but probably triple or even quadruple it.
The recipe I have on here tasted more like Chablis with little to no banana flavor so if I were to try it again Id at least dble the amount of nanners but probably triple or even quadruple it.

Thats kinda what I was thinking but I also almost think it would just be better to save it to use for body on some wines rather than an actual batch but maybe Ill try a one gallon and see what happens.. I dont know yet..

But again a banana pie sounds awesome...

We shall see..