CCQ, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Here's some of my observations:
I'd say if nothing else, just from a decorative standpoint of the berries and their unique purple color they'd be worth keeping. They generally grow in the shade, but the more sun they get, they produce more and larger berries (and the larger the bush grows). Of course, they're still about 2/3 the size of a large english pea, so "larger" berry is relative. It appears to take about 2 years before the plant starts producing berries.
The berries form clusters around the stems at the base of the leaves so harvesting was done holding a bucket in one hand and holding the branch in the same hand (bucket under the branch). Then used the other hand to pull the cluster toward the end of the branch and they all pretty much fell off into the bucket. The clusters seem to ripen from the inside of the bush outward, so it can take several weeks picking them in stages to get them all if you really want to do it right. I ended up with a lot of leaves which I pulled out afterwards. Floating the berries in a large pot of water helped separate dead berries and stems and leaves and rinse them. I froze mine and when thawing out it's easier to get the smaller stems although some still got fermented.
I used about 3lbs per gallon last year, but will probably increase that to 4 or 5 this year. Most fruit wines generally call for 6-8 lbs of fruit per gallon but this one seem to hold up in terms of taste and body with what I had.
From one large bush (about 8-10' high and 10-15' diameter - it's actually 2 plants next to each other) and several other smaller bushes I picked about 8 one gallon freezer bags full this year - roughly 4-5 lbs per bag. It seemed to be a bumper crop this year for them. The largest bush however got more sun this year (the tree it was under and several around it were cut down).
The one I did last year, bulk aged about a year before bottling. I generally do this with most my wines to let all the sediment settle out.
It's a very unique flavor actually. Waldo tried some and he said it tasted similar to plum. My first taste, while it was younger, I thought it was more "raisony" (see earlier in this post). Wade hasn't reported back on the bottle I sent him to try.
I'd say if you have enough berries, try a 1-2 gallon batch and go for it. That's the best way to see if you like it or not.