Grape Expectations
I am doing a SG Gold Chardonnay Style kit (30 bottle) and while it's a cheap kit, it's certainly a step up from the wines I was making from orange juice. It's also about the same price as making wine from orange juice, making the kit a no-brainer.
I typically use 1 sachet (5g) of EC-1118 per 5L liquid, or 1.25 tsp of Young's Super Wine Yeast Compound (because that has added bentonite in the yeast powder so I add a bit more to make sure it's at least 5g yeast).
I typically aim for around 1.126 SG and 16% ABV.
When getting the SG Gold kit, I found that they only gave me 2.25g of yeast to put in 22.5L of wine. To bulk it out to 25L (5 x 5L bottles) I also add 500ml Apple juice to each. This kit only has enough yeast to put 0.45 tsp per 5L.
After thinking the first kit wasn't going very fast (and dumping some Youngs in) on the second I decided to have a little "yeast showdown" between all three yeasts. As expected, EC-1118 is winning and the kit yeast, being only about half a tsp instead of a full tsp, did take a while longer to multiply into a colony that would be at the stage EC-1118 and Youngs had got to, but anyway here's the chart if anyone's interested.
I know using ABV and days is probably not the proper way to do this (charts I see all measure gas release and the lines go down, not up!) but for me personally it's been good to actually see it on a chart like this.
All I am trying to work out is... if the wine kit only supplies half the yeast I usually use, is that going to do enough over say 14 days. I'll find out after 6 more days of SG tests, but the kit yeast is in fact doing better than I expected. I just wish I knew what strain it was, or what strain Youngs is for that matter. They don't tell you. When you get the kit it just says "Yeast" on a white sachet.
Red: Lalvin EC-1118 (5g per 5L)
Blue: Youngs Super Wine Yeast Compound (7g per 5L)
Green: Yeast from SG Gold Chardonnay Style kit (0.45g per 5L)
Start Gravity: 1.128 SG

At day 6 I gave all bottles a swill around which I think gave the SG Gold kit yeast a bit of a kick and the chart shows that. From days 6-7 and 7-8 it gained more ABV per day than the other two. That kit yeast got to 11.33% ABV in the "7 Days" claimed by the kit makers, albeit this is a far higher start gravity, they probably aren't making that up (the kit calls for less than half the sugar I used to make a wine at 10.5% ABV after 7 days, fully dry).
I shall try to update the above chart if I remember to, so it has the full 14 days on. Of course we all know it's going to be mostly flat now but this is the most important stage for me because I want to see what that reduced amount of kit yeast ends up at!
I typically use 1 sachet (5g) of EC-1118 per 5L liquid, or 1.25 tsp of Young's Super Wine Yeast Compound (because that has added bentonite in the yeast powder so I add a bit more to make sure it's at least 5g yeast).
I typically aim for around 1.126 SG and 16% ABV.
When getting the SG Gold kit, I found that they only gave me 2.25g of yeast to put in 22.5L of wine. To bulk it out to 25L (5 x 5L bottles) I also add 500ml Apple juice to each. This kit only has enough yeast to put 0.45 tsp per 5L.
After thinking the first kit wasn't going very fast (and dumping some Youngs in) on the second I decided to have a little "yeast showdown" between all three yeasts. As expected, EC-1118 is winning and the kit yeast, being only about half a tsp instead of a full tsp, did take a while longer to multiply into a colony that would be at the stage EC-1118 and Youngs had got to, but anyway here's the chart if anyone's interested.
I know using ABV and days is probably not the proper way to do this (charts I see all measure gas release and the lines go down, not up!) but for me personally it's been good to actually see it on a chart like this.
All I am trying to work out is... if the wine kit only supplies half the yeast I usually use, is that going to do enough over say 14 days. I'll find out after 6 more days of SG tests, but the kit yeast is in fact doing better than I expected. I just wish I knew what strain it was, or what strain Youngs is for that matter. They don't tell you. When you get the kit it just says "Yeast" on a white sachet.
Red: Lalvin EC-1118 (5g per 5L)
Blue: Youngs Super Wine Yeast Compound (7g per 5L)
Green: Yeast from SG Gold Chardonnay Style kit (0.45g per 5L)
Start Gravity: 1.128 SG

At day 6 I gave all bottles a swill around which I think gave the SG Gold kit yeast a bit of a kick and the chart shows that. From days 6-7 and 7-8 it gained more ABV per day than the other two. That kit yeast got to 11.33% ABV in the "7 Days" claimed by the kit makers, albeit this is a far higher start gravity, they probably aren't making that up (the kit calls for less than half the sugar I used to make a wine at 10.5% ABV after 7 days, fully dry).
I shall try to update the above chart if I remember to, so it has the full 14 days on. Of course we all know it's going to be mostly flat now but this is the most important stage for me because I want to see what that reduced amount of kit yeast ends up at!
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