Beer Fermenters?

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Aug 12, 2024
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Knoxville, Iowa
I'm curious whether there's any reason not to use conical jacketed beer fermenters for white wines. They wouldn't be practical for wines on skins. But for just fermenting white juice, it seems like they might be a good option, no? As long as there's an access port of some kind on top?
I use a number of uncommon fermenters. There is no reason to not try it. Now that said a primary frequently is an open top pail. I will try to have a white / country under airlock or with a silicone lid by 1.020 to 1.050. At the one month racking in something with low headspace. , , , ie If you control oxygen it sounds OK.

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On the other hand, I use the same equipment for not beer and wine. If you make Brett beers though, don’t mix it up. I store wine in stainless beer kegs. Easier to handle than glass.