Beetroot Wine

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Aug 7, 2012
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I have planted beets just for the purpose of making beet wine. Now, I am waiting for them to grow to get enough to make one gallon at first to make sure I like it.

Just curious if anyone has any helpful tips for making beet wine. I have found a recipe or two that appear good. Most use lemon. Would it be ok, to use oranges? I think it would give it a unique taste.

That is one of the great things about this hobby. You can change things to fit whatever you think you may like. When using your own ingredients, it is not very expensive to try whatever you want. Have at it and let everybody know how it comes out, whether good or bad. If good, others will want to try it and if bad (perish the thought) you mite help keep others from making the same mistake. Arne.