Beginner Fermentation Question

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Aug 10, 2013
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Hello and thank you for reading my question.

Today I decided to go on Youtube and search how to make wine at home from juice. I used a good grape juice, about a gallon. We put 4 cups of sugar, and Fleischmann's active dry yeast all natural yeast. 1 packet. I opened the cap so that air could escape. and of course everything was mixed well. I did this about 5 hours ago yet I hear no gas escaping, just a layer of foam. Is there fermentation going on? I realize I should use one of those stick things but its really not an option for me. Do I have to wait to see more definitively if fermentation is going on? It definitely smells like yeast.

Thank you
Hello and thank you for reading my question.

Today I decided to go on Youtube and search how to make wine at home from juice. I used a good grape juice, about a gallon. We put 4 cups of sugar, and Fleischmann's active dry yeast all natural yeast. 1 packet. I opened the cap so that air could escape. and of course everything was mixed well. I did this about 5 hours ago yet I hear no gas escaping, just a layer of foam. Is there fermentation going on? I realize I should use one of those stick things but its really not an option for me. Do I have to wait to see more definitively if fermentation is going on? It definitely smells like yeast.

Thank you

Foam should be a good indication of fermenting. By tomorrow you should hear fizzing noises as the co2 escapes. I'm sure youll get an eye full here for using bread yeast. But for a first time I dont think its that big of a deal. Read some of the threads here and you'll be buying the good stuff soon enough.
Welcome and good luck!!
Thank you for your response. As in all fields where we are passionate, we can come to expect beginners to use the same quality of materials as we use. Thanks for understanding!
visit your local wine supply store. You will see that good wine yeast in 5 gram packets are reasonably priced, possibly cheaper than bread yeast. Also spend a few dollars on a hydrometer and you should be good to go on any wine making adventure. your desire to make better wine over time will drive your equipment purchases. should also find a good book for beginner's although Jack Keller's web site cannot be beat for instructions and information.
Thank you for joining the forum. Here you will learn how to make great wine easily and it can be very rewarding.

That's not the best yeast to use but you will learn.

We have a tutorial section that will be very helpful in getting you started.

Definitely find a good wine making store. You should invest just a couple buckes and purchase a hydrometer and a few other items. It will make things a lot easier and decrease the chance of failure.

Let us know what happens. You should allow air to your "must" and stir a couple times a day. Watch out for a volcano if its in a carboy fermenting.

Here is a link to an article that may help you
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Thanks to all of you, it is now bubbling today and making noises and I should be good. I will look into buying better resources for measuring sugar concentration. Thank you all. This forum seems to have a culture of understanding, being inviting, and a willingness to help! So rare to find these days.
New to all this. Last fall I harvested my first round of grapes! Followed all the instructions and it went into the carboy back in September. The s.g. was 1.032. I put it in the basement and left it. Nothing happened. Brought it back upstairs to a warmer temp, some bubbling occurred this spring. Checked it a couple of weeks ago and the s.g. is 1.0 and alcohol is 0%. Seems like I have grape juice. My question is should I try to get fermentation going again or just call it a failed attempt and try again this fall? I have about 3 gallons of juice.
Ryan, welcome and be prepared to get hooked :)

My first attempt was much like yours. I was so happy that I could convert sugar to alcohol, but in the end, it tasted like a cheap mixed drink. But, I didn't care, I made something happen and it was a start. I now make 150 gallons per year, for me, friends an family, all from fresh, local grapes.
New to all this. Last fall I harvested my first round of grapes! Followed all the instructions and it went into the carboy back in September. The s.g. was 1.032. I put it in the basement and left it. Nothing happened. Brought it back upstairs to a warmer temp, some bubbling occurred this spring. Checked it a couple of weeks ago and the s.g. is 1.0 and alcohol is 0%. Seems like I have grape juice. My question is should I try to get fermentation going again or just call it a failed attempt and try again this fall? I have about 3 gallons of juice.

So your juice has been in the carboy for 10 months? If no potassium metabisulphite was added then is most likely no good. Also 1.032 would have been very low ABV anyway. What's it taste like? 1.032 to 1.000 would be like 3% ABV. If it's not spoiled (hey who knows) put in a sanitized bucket. Then add some sugar to about 1.050 or 1.060. Then add purchased yeast. EC1118. When that's all done in a week put it back in the glass, then add 1/8 tsp of the potassium metabisulphite and go from there. Unless it tastes disgusting right now, which it might.
That's one of the problems with letting the juice ferment with its own natural yeast. You ever know what your gonna get. Especially without advanced knowledge and TLC.
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Ajmassa5983 - thank you. yes it has:( wasn't sure what to do with it) I did add one campden tablet back in September. I just tasted it and it tastes pretty good, not spoiled, very dry. Do I dissolve the sugar first before adding? I'll get some yeast today and try it.
Nice. Good for you. Yea I like to dissolve with boiling together first. It makes for easier mixing. 2:1 sugar to water ratio.
Going from 1.032 to 1.000 and then 1.060 to maybe .995 will give you about 13% alcohol.
I prefer minimal k-meta. But 10 month old juice fermenting might require some added prior to fermentation. Hopefully someone else can chime in and drop some knowledge on that.
EC1118 is strong. And one tablet shouldn't hurt the yeast and could add some protection first.
Thank you! So the order is: sugar first, get to s.g. of 1.06, then add the campden tablet immediately(?), I would add 3 tablets as I have 3 gallons (right), wait 24 hours and then add the yeast. Does that sound right?
I'd crush and add just ONE camden tablet first. So it's in there before your stirring in the sugar into the wine. Then add 2 more after fermentation. Too much can jack up that yeast.
Sounds about right to me though. Though there's no set of hard rules. 10 people could give 10 slightly different answers. And I can't say one way or the other about Waiting 24 hrs as I'm not sure.

Edit: on second thought 24 hours is probably good. Adding k-meta and sugar should probably have some time to get to know the wine before yeast takes over.
What kind of wine is this?
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Ajmassa5883. Thank you. Picked up the yeast today and will start it tomorrow. I misspoke, I have only one gallon, not 3, so it is only 1 tablet. Thanks for reminder on crushing it. These are St. Croix grapes.

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