Bentonite to Primary for Peach?

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Jul 2, 2012
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I didn't put Bentonite in with my peach wine when it started, and now I'm wondering if it's too late??? I have 50 gallons of peach wine going in my huge stainless tank. I have done several 5 gallon batches in the past but never 50, and I have never used Bentonite in the primary. I started it 3 days ago. Should I just wait until I move to secondary?
I think you're okay to add it now. When doing my blueberry I added on day 3
If it has started to ferment, I would not add it. At this point, let the must do it's thing. Just because you did not add Bentonite does not mean the wine will not clear.
the wine will be very difficult to clear. what is sg? after three days should be pretty close to finish anyway. if not I would add very slowly and make sure it is mixed thoroughly before adding to must other wise it will be a big clump and not do you any good.
I had a major problem getting my fresh peach wine to clear after all the typical suggestions of cold crashing and sparkelloid. When I posted here it was suggested to use bentonite. And it worked like a charm. A week or so later it was crystal clear.


I want to add, peach is the ONLY wine I have used bentonite on. All others clear with time.
I must have been fortunate when I did a batch of peach 2 years ago. I did not use anything for clarity,and the 6 gallon carboy was crystal clear in just a few months.I plan on steam juicing some peaches soon. I may add the bentonite to primary this time.
Mine cleared very well without any clearing agents as well, J-Gee. it might be just the luck of the draw.

I do want to make clear, don't add the bentonite while the wine is fermenting, wait until it is done fermenting.
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The 3rd day is the perfect time to add bentonite---it should not be used in the beginning of the ferment because it inactivates pectinases. Peach is very hard to clear on its own and it also suffers from protein haze. So I always recommend the use of bentonite on peach.
I am buying peaches weekly and ripening them on a table covered with a sheet. I do not plan to add bentonite to the primary. Thanks for the tip, Julie, it is much appreciated.
Actually, bentonite works best in the primary because the CO2 bubbles it up and keeps in contact with the debris--that, plus punching down and stirrring the must. Plus, it heat stabilizes the wine so you don't get cloudiness under certain storage conditions and when you refrigerate the wine.

We never used to use bentonite in the primary. But all our fruit wines are made on the fruit with no water so the wine is very dense. Some of our wines like cherry and blackberry were really kind of cloudy. Now we bentonite almost everything in the primary. I have to say--I do NOT miss trying to clear wines in the secondary. Get used to using bentonite in the primary and you'll never futs around again with cloudy, stubborn wines.

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