black cherry kool-aid

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Oct 23, 2014
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anybody know the pro's and con's of trying a black cherry kool-aid,, any suggestions, like don't do it ! to add this, but not that, just wanting another experiment,,
HUM,,, is experimenting with kool aid taboo? just looking for new experiences, i figured i'd at least get a don't do that, :d
I’ve heard of people adding Kool-Aid during backsweetening for a little extra flavour. But you are the ultimate experimenter. Do you have a bunch of Kool-Aid you want to get rid of? What made you think of it?
You have several formulas of “artificially flavored drink mix”. In general they are minimal formulations and EVERYTHING for yeast nutrition needs to be added ie like making a flower wine. Dawg, this has been on my project list but haven’t gotten to it. There are three basic formulations, 1) sugar sweetened which has anti caking agents, 2) artificially sweetened which has some dextrin and anti caking but it’s minimal, 3) add your own sugar drink mix which again has a slight anti caking agent. All three have acid powder and buffering agents to hold pH.
Of your choices the “add your sugar” is my choice for flavoring a wine. For where I am today Fermaid, DAP and tannin should be used. It probably would do better with added banana for mouth feel and yeast nutrients. Look for a Kool Aid with rounded flavor notes. Cheap formulas mainly have high flavor notes and color.
I had a really balanced peach flavor presweetened that I looked at using BUT this formula had cloud agents I didn’t think I could pull out. In the end decided not to make a cloudy test wine.

A fun project to learn from.
thanks everyone, it just seemed a challenge, as for properties of it i have no clue, but am taking notes from this post, i had the nutrients and energizer in mind, now i see that is correct, and yes, sugar is a definite, but i'm not sure if straight kool aid or kool aid/some either cherry concentrate or concentrated cherry juice,
I'm sorry but that sounds horrible. Why would you add that crap to your wine?
oh no, i would never add kool aid to my country wines, what i ask, is for pro's and con's for a black cherry kool-aid wine, i saw where others have added for more flavor, but not my wines, all my wines i go way heavy on fruits and berries, all my country wines are very robust on their flavor, i make most every fruit and berry in my neck of the woods, and am interested in a outside the box experiment, i have 26 carboys, so i have room for something off the wall, without it interfering with either my wines or my bulk aging, no harm, no foul,,,
There’s no need to defend yourself hounddawg.

I think it sounds absolutely fun. If you’re not trying new things, you’re not going to learn new things. There’s no need to be snobby about wine; make what you like, drink what you make, and make sure to share!
From the point of view of yeast almond has close to no nutritional value. I would treat it like a flower wine and start with that nutrient mix. The almond could be done as a ground flour (as made in a coffee grinder 100 gm at a time) OR it could be added as almond extract OR you could create your own extract with almond flour and grain alcohol.
please keep us updated one day i plan on doing an almond wine and a canned pineapple wine
There should be recipes on the web for pineapple. One analysis for pineapple juice is gravity 1.062, pH 3.89, TA 0.63%.
Doesn’t sound crazy to me, I bought 5 big containers of powder country time pink lemonade and was going to try to make some sort of wine out of it. If it works Yeah Me, if Not oh well, pitch it and I’m out $20.
I have a friend who does these types of things, I know that he has done Kool-Aid, but a response might be a few days. I'll ask for pointers.
I’m thinking you should ferment the fruits you are going to use and add the kool aid at secondary fermentation. Maybe use a lemonade/pink lemonade kool aid flavor to balance your cherry must. I’m assuming you are using sweet cherries though. If you have tart cherries then maybe a Tropical punch would blend well. The possibilities are endless dawg 🤘🏻😁
I’m thinking you should ferment the fruits you are going to use and add the kool aid at secondary fermentation. Maybe use a lemonade/pink lemonade kool aid flavor to balance your cherry must. I’m assuming you are using sweet cherries though. If you have tart cherries then maybe a Tropical punch would blend well. The possibilities are endless dawg 🤘🏻😁
As a side note: make some kool aid/PGA 190 for a nice cherry port? 🤔
I’m thinking you should ferment the fruits you are going to use and add the kool aid at secondary fermentation. Maybe use a lemonade/pink lemonade kool aid flavor to balance your cherry must. I’m assuming you are using sweet cherries though. If you have tart cherries then maybe a Tropical punch would blend well. The possibilities are endless dawg 🤘🏻😁
no, their will be no kool-aid in my country wines, i have enough carboys for bulk aging and wine makins, no this kool-aid is just for $hit$ & grins, but thank you.
As a side note: make some kool aid/PGA 190 for a nice cherry port? 🤔
i put PGA in my skeeter pee port, as well. i use a 32 oz bottle of lemon concentrate per gallon of water, tastes like sweet lemon-aid, but kicks like a mule, that is my only pretty high ABV wine & is a very easy drinker, no one gets a drop without being told no driving, no nothing, because it will ambush you big time... all my other country wines are from 11% to 14%, all with double to triple the amount of fruit/berries, i aim for the taste from the tree or bush or briar patch, of the fruit or berry, nature prefects it,,, i just add alcohol,,, :h :d

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