I "unfroze" 28 lbs of pitted Lapin sweet cherries.
I was able to get about 2 1/2 gallons of juice from these, then addedtwo 1-qt jars of Knudsen "Just Tart Cherry" juice. I'm modifying Jack Keller's number 2 recipe (of the three he has for Black Cherry). I decided to keep the cherries IN the must during fermentation (even though Jack implies discarding the fruit after squeezing). Initial SG 1.092
Adjusted acid from about 0.90+ to about 0.70 with some more sugar and two more quarts of "Just Tart Cherry" (bringing that up to 1 gallon total). I think it will be about 4 gallons sweet cherry juice/H2o to the 1 gallon tart cherry juice. The yeast is Lalvin 71B 1122 and it really took off!
"Vigorous" hardly describes the fermentation. In fact, it came up out the airlock and over the sides a couple of times -- nip and tuck -- and was quick!
Jack Keller suggested the fermentation temperature be at 55-60 degrees and I think my 74-76 degrees caused the vigorous fermentation. After only 6 days the SG was down to 1.004 and it has been racked into a carboy and bubbles about once every 3 minutes. The next rack should get it to 5 gallons.
One question for all you experts -- the recipe called for bentonite("to eliminate proteins andsettle solids")to be added during fermentation (which I did not do, since I did not have any). I'm expecting an order from George today or tomorrow, with bentonite -- any reason to add it now? Since two of the recipes did NOT call for bentonite I don't think this is any error-- just curious as to anyone's input!