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</font>On 10/28 , I started my first batch of Blanc du Bois wine in
my 5.25gal Pyrex carboy as the primary. Starting SG@ 1.098 , and after 24hrs ,
pitched in EC-1118 yeast with juice temperature at 68 degrees.<?amespace prefix = o ns = "urnchemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /></font></font>
</font>Fermentation started within 15hrs with airlock attached ,
and fermentation is going well.</font></font>
</font>Should I pull off the bung and stir twice a day , since I
only used the juice without any of the pulp.</font></font>
</font>Also , do I need to transfer this wine into another carboy
when the SG is at 1.010 , or should I leave it until it finishes to dryness at
an SG of .990.</font></font>
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</font>On 10/28 , I started my first batch of Blanc du Bois wine in
my 5.25gal Pyrex carboy as the primary. Starting SG@ 1.098 , and after 24hrs ,
pitched in EC-1118 yeast with juice temperature at 68 degrees.<?amespace prefix = o ns = "urnchemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /></font></font>
</font>Fermentation started within 15hrs with airlock attached ,
and fermentation is going well.</font></font>
</font>Should I pull off the bung and stir twice a day , since I
only used the juice without any of the pulp.</font></font>
</font>Also , do I need to transfer this wine into another carboy
when the SG is at 1.010 , or should I leave it until it finishes to dryness at
an SG of .990.</font></font>