The raisin seems to be doing pretty good. I checked the sg this morning
and it read dry. Even though it was still bubbling fairly strong
(because I added a cup of simple syrup to it friday) I decided it was
time too rack since it was dry and seemed to be developing an off oder.
So I thought it would be best to get it off the lees. Which turned out
to be the right thing to do as the oder is now gone.
BTW I think the reason my fermentation was slow is because I added to
much tartaric acid. I was going by a recipe which sent it off the
scale. When I say it was slow, I mean it was VERY slow.
But since this is an experiment, I started a new batch useing the old
lees and yeast from the first batch. It's not all put together yet and
I may not even use it as the oder is really wierd. It smells greasy.
Which is the first time I've smelled that before.
Here's what I've got going on now, I took the old lees(sp) added five
pounds of sugar, yeast nutient, tartaric acid and 2 gallons water. I
intended to sort of use that as the starter for the 12 pounds of minced
raisins and one gallon of water with the required additives. The 2
gallon sarter is already very active but like I said I may not use it
as I really don't care for the greasy oder. What is that? Should I
trash it? The other gallon is waiting for the other additives. Campden
and pectic enzym.
Hummm.. I just checked the starter/old lees, it's producing a lot of
carbodioxide and the greasy smell is gone so I think I may use it.
Unless you all have better advice. While I was writing this I thought
to my self why would I want to use the old lees. If it wasn't good for
the other batch what's gonna make it good for this one. But then again
the lees had nothing left to work with in the first batch, so basically
I'm just giving them something fresh to feed on.
Live and learn I guess. I'm still experimenting.