Bottled my first wine,OOOPS.

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Senior Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Today I bottled my first batch of wine. Everything was going great, THEN, the hose came off of the wond that I was using. A nice little mess I made. The good thing is that I stopped it pretty fast, so I didn't lose that much wine. Live and learn...
eeeek, john
i did this putting my blackberry from primary to secondary...just as my teenage son came by the utility room door...
"nice mess mom"...
it was hard not to say shut up, lol
glad u didn't loose much:b
Now you're a real member. I've done it and I suppose most of athe others have. You looked at it from the positive side, "I didn't lose much". That's a good thing. Today is a good day.

Rich L.
Then comes the day when your racking your wine and your primary had more in it then the carboy you're racking to holds. Damn don't ever walk away thinking you're perfectly safe in doing so.:w
Then comes the day when your racking your wine and your primary had more in it then the carboy you're racking to holds. Damn don't ever walk away thinking you're perfectly safe in doing so.:w

Been there, done that. Thank goodness it was a white wine that leaked on the beige carpet.
Hey, don't worry. The first batches are for learning,, and drinking.
It's the batches that you make later on that start getting good are the ones to have everything figured out on.
I ride a Gold Wing motorcycle and we have a saying: There are two kinds of GW riders. Those who have dropped their bikes and liars.
Speaking of messes, while bottling a Syrah out of a 3Gallon Better Bottle, I didn't take into consideration that plastic is way lighter than glass and when there was about 1-2 liters left, the bottle tipped over and dumped the wine on my back!

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