Cellar Craft Bottling Day For CC Showcase Viognier!

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico

Bulk aged for 3 months. This is the same kit that I had trouble getting to clear but as you can see it did clear quite nicely. Hoping to get a few more months of bottle aging before we open a few on the patio this Summer.


The left over glass was wonderful (as usual). It really could be drunk now it was that good. I did not deviate from the instructions. I added the entire bottle of flavor reserve post fermentation so it is dry but has a nice hint of sweetness and loads and loads of floral notes.

I did run an Accuvin free sulfite test before adding a top up dose of K-Meta. It came out a solid 28ppm. The range for whites at bottling is 50-60ppm so it should be easily in range with the addition. This kit was also filtered with the Vinbrite so it sparkles.

There really is no set bottle type for Viognier. I have seen every type used in commercial bottles from white to green, burgundy to bordeaux to even Riesling style. I went with a mix of lighter green that seemed to fit well.


This is my first batch to bottle a couple of splits. Will be nice to open them before we open a full bottle. I hope to go back and make some splits for all of my previous reds in order to help gauge their readiness down the road.


As my pipeline is is filling up rapidly, my fermenting days will be drawing down to a crawl. I still have a few kits I want to make but will wait till they are on sale sometime in the future.
Great Job! After following you on your quest with thisKit and tasting my We Selection Viognier, now with 9 months on it, I am looking forward to this kit as my next White. I have read that the dryer the white the more time it needs.
Looks very nice.
This kit is on my must do list as well, but it will be a while as I have plenty of while wines to drink right now.
Oh man!!!! It looks beautiful! Love the label...clean, crisp, beautiful!

What is the significance of the "10"? Your 10th batch? Bottled in 2010? Inquiring minds want to know!
Looks really good. Great Job! I like the labels too. Simple and elegant.
My fermenting will be slowing down to a crawl too. I have a RJC Grand Cru Barolo fermenting now. After that it'll be a couple of beer kits until crush. I'll need all of my carboys empty by then.
Great job, Mike. (After racking several times, I still don't know how you get 30+ bottles, but I am glad you can.)

You mentioned earlier under another topic that you take the bottom sediment of a racking and pour it through some filter to get out all the wine. What type of filter do you use? I tried a very fine, cloth-mesh coffee filter, but everything other than the solids ran right on through.
Very Nice Mike!!!!!!!
I went to your label source and picked up a few... I have two batches that are bottled and waiting to be shrinked and labeled... I hope mine turn-out as good as yours...
No secret, better wine making through chemistry!


Been using a large 2L sep funnel to separate the gross lees and even the fines from the wine. Pour it in, let it sit for 24 hours and drain off the bottom and pour the wine back in. Oak chips (the tiny tiny ones) can wreak havok and sometimes I have to use a thin steel rod to poke it though and open things back up. But it works extremely well.

DancerMan said:
Great job, Mike.  (After racking several times, I still don't know how you get 30+ bottles, but I am glad you can.)Mike,You mentioned earlier under another topic that you take the bottom sediment of a racking and pour it through some filter to get out all the wine.  What type of filter do you use?  I tried a very fine, cloth-mesh coffee filter, but everything other than the solids ran right on through.

I will be bottling a kit each month probably for the next 10 months. I have been doing around 6 months bulk aging for my reds and 3 months for my whites. Then some big time bottle aging!

Joan said:
I guess that means you're done bottling for the year. =)

Interesting setup. I know they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but for those of us not familiar, can you explain how the separation funnel works, what you need and the process you use to achieve your results. I just the second racking of my first kit today and was a little sad to see the amount of liquid left behind. Couple that with 6 gallon carboys that are really closer to 6.5 gallons and that's a lot of topping off wine. I am always interested in better ways to do things. Thanks.
It's pretty simple. You can pick up a 2L separatory funnel on ebay for ~$110. You will also need a stand to hold it in place and a clamp. I also use one of the 8" plastic funnel with the screens that George sells. The valve in the bottom is closed of course when you pour in your racking dregs. The screen is good for catching the tiny oak chips that can plug you up.

Pour some K-Meta in to sanitize and shake it a few times and let it sit for a few minutes and then drain it out.

Just pour in the dregs through the funnel. At some point the screen will plug with the lees. If you want to try and save more than what's you already have in the funnel then just pull up the screen and let it all go into the funnel.

I usually fill the headspace with some Argon but its not really necessary as your wine has lots of CO2 still at this point. Let it sit for 24 hours and the lees will settle to the bottom. Drain out the lees into a large glass jar and dump them. Add the wine back to your carboy and wash out the funnel with some hot water and let it dry.

I will do this at the first racking and then again when racking off the fines. Some wines will separate better than others but they will all separate if given enough time.
I also made this same kit. Mine is about two months older then yours. I have not tried mine yet, so I am glad you can drink it now. I am waiting for summer too. Your bottles look great as always.

Opened our first bottle of this last night. OMG! its as good or better at 8 months than my other two whites that are just now ~ one year old (Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay). It is crisp, dry, not overly sweet like some Viognier's I have tried. Nice flavors of apricot, pear, kiwi..........

This one is really coming along nicely!
Might have to put this on the wish list. I need more whites in my inventory but I also need more room for inventory!