Bottling day today

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Senior Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Going to bottle up 12 gallons of Japanese Plum (Loquat) wine today. It has a real pronounce plum flavor and a nice golden color. Going to back sweeten to make it a nice dessert type wine.
Good luck... did you grow the plums?
We have a small vineyard (150 vines) with beautiful looking fruit. Unfortunately as hard as we worked netting the vines, the birds got all of the fruit. Last year nothing was touched....this year disaster.
That's a lot of plum wine. I'm going to bottle 6 gallons of Pinot Grigiot tonight. Labels are being removed right now (soaking anyway).

How long does that take to reach it's prime?
No, I do not grow them. The hospital where I work has 3 trees (small fruit) and I have 2 friends that have the large fruit on them. I had picked 100lbs of fruit to make the 12 gallons. I gave away a case this morning to the friends with the trees and my barber. They all seem to like it. I back sweetened to SG 1.020. Can't wait to get some age on these.

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