My name is Linda and I live in the metro Detroit area. The closest I've come to wine making is consuming it After enjoying other vintners wines, I've convinced myself I can do this too! I'm currently in the process of amassing my equipment and hope to actually get started early next month. I'm delighted to have found this forum and will be perusing it often. I tend to be a stickler for details and a complete novice, so let me thank you in advance for your patience
My name is Linda and I live in the metro Detroit area. The closest I've come to wine making is consuming it After enjoying other vintners wines, I've convinced myself I can do this too! I'm currently in the process of amassing my equipment and hope to actually get started early next month. I'm delighted to have found this forum and will be perusing it often. I tend to be a stickler for details and a complete novice, so let me thank you in advance for your patience