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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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When testing new juice from fresh grapes how do you determine what the ideal Brix's should be?
Is a Refractor any better than a Hydrometer?
With grapes a refractometer is way better as you can check the brix with just one grape therefore knowing when they need to be picked. Like any wine you need to know what each variation should be. In otherwords a Cab sauv should have around 12-14 abv but you wouldnt want a Pinot Grigio to be anywhere near there. As you know picking to early will result in low sugar levels and very high acidity.
Homer when you test your grapes randomly pick grapes from different parts of your vineyard. Do not be selective of better grapes but pick one grape high one low and different areas. Put the picked grapes in a one gallon zip lock bag and squish them all till they are juiced. Now take your Brix reading from the juice of the various grapes (all the same variety) and you'll have a better idea of what your harvest will produce.
I learn from the masters and I do remember you talking about this. It also just so happens Kevininpa and I were talking also today and he also mentioned it to me.
Better watch it Rich, soon grasshopper take pebble from your hand!!!

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