Yes, Airlock and rack off the lees before bottling. If you are going to be back-sweetening it you will also need to stabilize it and that would probably be the last thing you do before you back-sweeten.
The advantage to bulk aging is that IF anything happens to the wine to cause you to either dump it (Very RARE) or want to adjust the flavor in some way, you can readily do that to the wine with no wasted corks, labels etc. Once you bottle it, most folks don't want to undo that to adjust the wine.
I currently have about 5 bottles of Applewine that have flakes on the bottom of them because I rushed it when it wasn't truly clear or ready for bottling. Interestingly that batch was also in 2 other 4 liter carboys and those have no issues. All from the same batch but somewhere along the way something changed and that one carboy contained something that wasn't quite ready to drop out.... until after I bottled it. (About 7-8 months into aging.)