Bulk aging White wine

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I bottle whites at the 4 to 7 month mark. Although I've had a few go longer, I've found that most of my whites are best before 2 years of age.

Why? Whites lack the "oomph" of reds, meaning lower tannin, body, and alcohol. Maybe higher acid and possibly sugar, but not enough to produce longevity approaching that of reds.

Sure, I have a couple bottles of commercial Chardonnay and Riesling that are great at 4 years, but my personal track record for whites isn't that good. I'd rather drink 'em while they're good and not have to dump them.
I’ve got a Chardonnay I kept in bulk for 11 months. The wine is now about 18 months old. Same with a Viognier. Both taste very good. Currently in bulk I have a Liebfraumilch and White Bordeaux and considering bottling before 11 or 12 months in bulk. Seems like that would be ok.
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I keep my Riesling in the carboy for at least 1 year, and a lot of the time for two. It tends to have fairly high acid here, so that helps a bit. I make the riesling with approx.12-14 percent alcohol, so that doesn't hurt, either. Dry, by the way