@ovjock, that looks like a regular beer keg with the spear still installed. Not that there's anything wrong with that! A triclover fitting looks like this, with a groove in the end:

As @CDrew says, all wineries (as far as I know) use these fittings for connecting tanks, valves, hoses etc.
Re: sanitizing - I use peroxycarb (Sodium percarbonate) - this is the active ingredient in PBW mentioned above, but you can get more concentrated forms. (here is a commercial source; morewinemaking sells smaller packets though only 85% rather than the >95% of the commercial grade stuff). Fill the keg with a scoop of peroxy + warm-hot water, leave to soak for an hour (or overnight is fine, then rinse. I always rinse with tartaric acid to neutralize any of the cleaner remaining.

As @CDrew says, all wineries (as far as I know) use these fittings for connecting tanks, valves, hoses etc.
Re: sanitizing - I use peroxycarb (Sodium percarbonate) - this is the active ingredient in PBW mentioned above, but you can get more concentrated forms. (here is a commercial source; morewinemaking sells smaller packets though only 85% rather than the >95% of the commercial grade stuff). Fill the keg with a scoop of peroxy + warm-hot water, leave to soak for an hour (or overnight is fine, then rinse. I always rinse with tartaric acid to neutralize any of the cleaner remaining.
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