Busy Saturday Morning............

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Looks like your making some 'shine' or something in there...Out there in the middle of the night....fire going...water...etc...Your neighbors must be curious...
Me thinks the lovely wife has said enough wine, now get out!
Waldo said:
Oh by the way jobe, those pictures were taken around 4am "sleepy head"

If you only Knew..........................

I slept in this morning till noon.......
You already had a full day in by the time I got up this morning. But in all fairness, I was awake at 4 this morning...................... I just don't care to mention what I was doing.....

Rest assured, it wasn't washing bottles...............

Although that is one of our Euphemisms.

I like your setup, very handy for washing bottles but not for wine making. If I get to the point where I need that much just for washing bottles........... I'm gonna re-think this hobby.

Got a lot done today also. I had it with that darn gallon of cherry wine on my bench so I sweetened it back a bit. While I was heating the water for te sugar, I saw the plastic lemon in the fridge, so I gave it a squeeze into the sugar water, not in a scientific way, In a pretty crappy way, Kinda like there, Take that! Any ways, mixed it all up and it taste's pretty good now, I was surprised. So it's off my bench.

Racked my blackberry wine and my strawberry Port and cleaned my room up a lot.

Got all the stuff I needed to get out to JW, Wildridge and Waldo boxed up, just waiting for everyones addresses as yesterday in my haste to get a lot done, I also emptied out my inbox........... so I'll need to get everyones addresses again. I'm cutting and pasting them in a notepad file on my desktop for future reference if no one minds me doing that.

wade said:
Me thinks the lovely wife has said enough wine, now get out!

So does that mean the apron his sister made him really wasn't an apron, it a an Arkansas Winter Coat!
wade said:
I thinks it is a straight jacket and Waldo has it on backwards!

Then that would be an Arkansas evening Jacket.............

Morning Jacket...................

Midday Jacket................................

and bathrobe......

I have a right to pick on Arkansians, My sister is one...........

Lives near Rogers somewhere, and yes......... She works at Wal-Mart!
"Okay I just finished de labeling 3 1/2 cases and cleaning them. Ill do the other 1/2 tomorrow.

Edited by: wade
Looking mighty fine there Waldo....isnt everyone up and at it by at least4:00 A.M.? Best part of the day!
Got the lawn done, the other 3 1/2 cases of bottles de labeled and cleaned, and 3 batches racked.
wade said:
Got the lawn done, the other 3 1/2 cases of bottles de labeled and cleaned, and 3 batches racked.

THE LAWN........

I knew there was something else I was suppose to do........
Were getting a lot of leaves here so I have to do it every week so it dont get to much for the bagging mower. It makes life much easier. I hated raking when I was a kid doing our lawn. Now i just run it over with the rider and blow the real heavy ares into the woods with the leaf blower.
I mulch mine and let them let them lay where they fell.. Provides good nutrient to the soilEdited by: Waldo
Dang it jw.........You have given the "secret weapon" away. That was one helluva ball game. It was one of those that no matter who won..It was a good game.
Waldo said:
Dang it jw.........You have given the "secret weapon" away. That was one helluva ball game. It was one of those that no matter who won..It was a good game.

But isn't it always just aLITTLE BITbetter when your team wins?
Well I finally got the Scuppernong to it last step before I bottle it.....

I have let this one go slow so that I could take advantage of the cooler weather out side to cold stabilize and clear it. It has been out side now for a couple of weeks and has cleared well and dropped a lot of "wine diamonds" so it is a lot less acidic that the others that I have made.


I have sweetened it back and now just letting it sit so I know re-fermentation won't take place.....


I Also had a lot of help from my little Buddy.......


And the label that I'll be using for this 18 gallon batch:


Edited by: jobe05
Well!!!!! Dont leave us hangin man, how the heck does it taste compaered to the last batch!
Tastes Great! Because I cold stabilized, it isn't as acidic as before, but it has a great Scuppernong flavor, like a piece of heaven........ or that front porch........ Very drinkable right now, but I have been making this one since August..... so it has bulk aged a few months waiting for a cold snap here in the south. So far it's been a mild winter. A couple of weeks ago I tilled my garden up and may plant a couple of rows of broccoli rob tomorrow......... maybe get the garlic in, and do a row of spinach.....
Geez...planting your garden.....I hate you!!!

We have been having very mild weather too...It never got above freezing [32*F] during the month of December...well..I saw 32* once on the car thermometer when it was sleeting, but it didn't last long. We get into the 20*s [F] during the day and in the teens during the night.....along with these 'mild' temperatures we get clouds...gray dreary clouds...I know I could never live on the West Coast again...too gloomy....give me some crisp clear weather. This stagnant airmass has brought us pollution....usually we have the cleanest, crispest air in the nation....now we have a haze over our small cities from burning fossil fuels....

Life goes on.

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