I was really into the wine this weekend. I picked some more dandelions and started a second batch of dandelion wine. I made 2 more carrot wines. I transferred the Shiraz from a 6 gallon carboy to 2 3 gallon and I bottled half. I filtered, then bottled because I also filtered a 3 gallon Dragon's Blood to see if I could back sweeten without sorbate after a sterile filtering. I rinsed the #2 filters in K-meta solution before switching wines and ran a gallon of water through them. Then filtered the shiraz just 'cause. I'm learning and experimenting. Trying to figure out which steps I 'need' or don't.
A couple of questions came up..
How much head space or ullage does one need/want. I had three bottles that were a too high and the corks wouldn't seat. I also found that the corks set to differing depths based on where the wine level was. I'm talking 1/16 to an 1/8 inch of total variation, so nothing serious, but I was wondering if there is a way to mitigate this. Or am I filling WAY too high and this is a non issue with proper headspace?
I tasted the wine before bottling, but I had already racked it. It was very good. I opened a bottle after bottling cause, well I couldn't help myself. I didn't notice any bottle or filter shock. I am sure it will still mellow in a couple of weeks, but I expected it to be very noticeable based on comments I have read. Is it because I racked before I tasted it the first time? Or did I miss something crazy obvious?
This was the first time I used K-meta in a solution. There is a small washroom off the laundry, I kept the k-meta in there with the fan on and had a window open in the laundry area. I brought the solution out to fill and rinse carboys as I emptied them and to clean out the filter. Why do I know the smell and sensation of K-meta in the nose? I have never mixed it up before, is there a common cleaner it is in?

A couple of questions came up..
How much head space or ullage does one need/want. I had three bottles that were a too high and the corks wouldn't seat. I also found that the corks set to differing depths based on where the wine level was. I'm talking 1/16 to an 1/8 inch of total variation, so nothing serious, but I was wondering if there is a way to mitigate this. Or am I filling WAY too high and this is a non issue with proper headspace?
I tasted the wine before bottling, but I had already racked it. It was very good. I opened a bottle after bottling cause, well I couldn't help myself. I didn't notice any bottle or filter shock. I am sure it will still mellow in a couple of weeks, but I expected it to be very noticeable based on comments I have read. Is it because I racked before I tasted it the first time? Or did I miss something crazy obvious?
This was the first time I used K-meta in a solution. There is a small washroom off the laundry, I kept the k-meta in there with the fan on and had a window open in the laundry area. I brought the solution out to fill and rinse carboys as I emptied them and to clean out the filter. Why do I know the smell and sensation of K-meta in the nose? I have never mixed it up before, is there a common cleaner it is in?