Calling all Label Makers!!!

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WOW!!!!You guys are great with those labels...I am not even going to try. you want the names with the ñ's to have the ~ over them???
Press alt 164 at the same time for the accents....
I can't believe the creativity on this site. I am truely awe-struck... I can't wait to see what Joan produces....
Thanks NW...

Another note on the labels is that I might ask for a modification if needed to the finalselections but will not be doing this for any labels as submitted now. I don't want you folks making a bunch of modifications along the way and then not getselected the winner.

Thanks and I just hope the sauce will be good enough for it packaging!
More...... :)

<div align="center"><div align="left">You guys sure know how to lay on the pressure!!!!!

<div align="left">



Here's my entry. I went with neat and crisp. Masta, if the big "V's" had been on a different layer from the text, it would have been a whole lot easier! =)

Edited by: Joan
Wow...this is getting very interesting...excellent job gang!

Here is my efforts on one label but didn't like it after printing:


OK this is weird. I have the other 2 but every time I post 1 of the
others it changes the previous post with it. I'm pasting from word as
these are not jpgs. Anyone got any ideas how to change to a jpg or why
it changes the previous post also.
There is some really great talents on this forum folks...Maybe we should all join together and form an advertising agency
Ok, It was fun and it can be re-done.....Ramona

Didn't mean to put both do you erase one???

Edited by: rgecaprock
I'm seeing some really great label ideas here. I must express my opinion now after seeing Ramona's label- that has punch and marketability. It expresses liveliness and gets the idea of hot as being fun out there. Put a face on the Red pepper with it's tongue on fire and you have a winner in my book! Maybe you should post all the entries Masta and a Poll and have us all vote for our favorite.
The other end is on fire, appleman.....hahaha

Thank you...RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
More great labels ideas but I think I agree with appleman.Ramona has a winner there..GREAT job !!!!

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