Campden Induced Cloudiness

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Recently I racked a cranberry wine for what was to be the last time prior to bottling. I added 2 Campden tablets to protect against oxidation. Campden had been added several weeks previously, along with sorbate to stabilize the wine. A couple of days following addition of the Campden the wine became cloudy/turbid! Obviously a chemical reaction occurred between the Campden and something in the wine. Any thoughts? I plan to give it a few weeks to see if it clears on its own.
Was there any sediment at the bottom of the carboy at all as it dont take much at all to cloud the wine back up.
Thats probably the fillers used to make the campden tablets stay together. Just another reason to switch to powder!
No way it could be the fillers, I have done this several times on other wines and they never became cloudy. Also, thee extent of the cloudiness is such that it could not possibly be undissolved tablet. Some kind of chemical reaction occurred--I am just curious what it might be and whether or not it will precipitate in a reasonable amount of time.

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