Can anyone taste my Chardonnay and tell me what went wrong?

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As a contest judge I will smell the wine. Fruity aroma will generally score better than no fruit aroma. (If you were talking about cottage cheese I would say that there was mold growth.) How does the wine smell when you swirl it in a glass?
Taste in the mouth is a mixture of what the tongue detects (sweet > acid > bitter > salty > umami) and feel (roughness from astringent tannins) and aroma from breathing the wine vapor. Many defects are detected at parts per trillion where as fruity aromatics require higher levels as parts per million. Again fruity is good.
Can you lower the fruity sensation by mixing a pinch of acid blend in a glass? Is the wine improved? This would suggest that your TA (titratable acidity) was low. Can you improve the wine by adding a dust of chestnut tannin from a tooth pick? Chestnut Tannin gives long flavor notes that make the mouth rough (astringent) and magnify acid taste.
Do you have numbers from bottling? Gravity & pH & TA? Sweet and acidic flavors should balance. Running high on sweetness (gravity) goes along with more fruity sensation.

welcome to WMT,
I have occasionally given opinions on a WMT wine.
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As a contest judge I will smell the wine. Fruity aroma will generally score better than no fruit aroma. (If you were talking about cottage cheese I would say that there was mold growth.) How does the wine smell when you swirl it in a glass?
Taste in the mouth is a mixture of what the tongue detects (sweet > acid > bitter > salty > umami) and feel (roughness from astringent tannins) and aroma from breathing the wine vapor. Many defects are detected at parts per trillion where as fruity aromatics require higher levels as parts per million. Again fruity is good.
Can you lower the fruity sensation by mixing a pinch of acid blend in a glass? Is the wine improved? This would suggest that your TA (titratable acidity) was low. Can you improve the wine by adding a dust of chestnut tannin from a tooth pick? Chestnut Tannin gives long flavor notes that make the mouth rough (astringent) and magnify acid taste.
Do you have numbers from bottling? Gravity & pH & TA? Sweet and acidic flavors should balance. Running high on sweetness (gravity) goes along with more fruity sensation.

welcome to WMT,
I have occasionally given opinions on a WMT wine.
Thank you for the details.
Swirling in a glass produces a strongly fruity smell, sort of like bananas. The taste gets better after letting it rest a bit. Color is excellent. IMG_8217.jpegLet me open another bottle and try to analyze it better using the details you have provided.