Can I cork a screw-top bottle?

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Mar 12, 2010
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Can I re-use my screw-top bottles? It looks like a cork would go in there - but not sure if the corker would get hold of the lip of the bottle very well - has anyone tried this?
Some have but most don't. The glass is much thinner in the neck of a screw-cap bottle. I would hate to risk shattering it and ruining a good bottle of wine. I recycle any friends give it me. I'm chicken! =)
Dont do it, its not safe, there was a person on another forum in which they were doing so and when they were opening t it shattered and thy were cut pretty bad and needed surgery cause it sliced one of their tendons.
Thank you very much! Screw top bottles will go out with the recycling immediately. I hope that person was okay.
Actually they have gone through multiple surgeries and dont have full movement of that area.