You're right. It can be distressing at that.
What I've found after all my batches is patience and tollerance.
If I'm setting out for 6 gallonsI have a 7 gallon primary pail that I fill to the top with my 6 gallon batch.
At the end, I dispose of what won't fit in the carboy now days anyway, without the remorseI used to have. Come bottling time I dispose of (drink
this time) what ever I can't fit into the bottle.
The exactratio of water to sugar to fruit is not important when you start out. Getting them reasonably close is well enough.
Once again, home wine making is not rocket science and certainly not an exacting project with low tolerances.
If it were,we wouldn't be doing it.
Leave out more water till after you get your sugar and fruit in and then "top off" (ever heard that before?) with additional water or juice.
It's a whole lot less messy that way and I promise you, you won't lose any of your impact on the finished product.
Starting out in a primary that's bigger than the carboy is common sense. Ever notice how your 7 gallon primary after 2 to 3 weeks of fermentation is less full than when youtopped off with the fruitat start?
That's your fruit decomposing and fermenting down and your sugar being converted to gas by your yeastiesreducing the overall volume.
If you don't start out at 7 gallons (or 2 gallons) you won't end up with 6 gallons (or 1 gallon) without diluting by adding water to make up the diference.
Each time you rack you lose a bit more too.
As far as back sweetening,Iremove abouttwo to threeliters to a 4 liter,sanitised jug,pour 2 cups of thatinto a microwavable, glass measuring container,heat the mustabout 2 minutes and I then carefully and slowly (take head here lest you end up cleaning the over flowing frothfrom your counter and floors)add one cup sugarat a time stiring as I add till the sugar is near to completly disolved.
Then adding this to the original carboy, I mix the carboy thouroughly, check the s.g. and taste the results.
I repeat this till the carboy must reaches the sweetness level I desire, then add the ballance of what ever wine is still in the4 liter jug (It's never enough to alter the s.g. appreciably) to top off.
Doing this means I'm not watering my wine to add sugar or"top off".
100% wine.
If you're a LaurelHughes fan, HOUSE:
I then celebrate the success byconsuming the balance in the 4 liter jug that won't fit in the carboy oryou can save it under vacume, for topping off later.