can someone please tell me what's in the bottom of my carboy? just adding f-pack...

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Feb 2, 2012
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So I started my CC Late Harvest Riesling on 01/14/12. Everything has gone smoothly. Just yesterday I reracked from 6 gallon carboy to empty one via my AllInOnePump to ensure wine was fully degassed before adding clarifiers and f-pack. I have been told wine will not fully clarify if it is not fully degassed and after tasting post-xfer I can say it is fully degassed now. I added the Potassium Sorbate and Metabisulphate according to directions followed by backsweetening with F pack. I used about 1/2 the "syrup", and honestly should've starting with about 1/4 of the bag as I think it's a tad sweeter than i would've preferred, oh well. Instructions then say to add Kielsol and 1 hr later Chitosan. Done. I stirred well. Next day (today) I go to check on it and their is a thick goopy layer on the bottom with some "spots" on the sides. What the heck is this??? There was ZERO sediment present with my last racking so it should not be sediment. It almost looks like the syrup or something settled on the bottom?? I tried stirring it up well for about a minute and it looked like it disbursed well (although made it cloudy). An hour later it's sitting on the bottom again. What the heck is going on??? A couple pics but a little hard to see.

That is the clarifying agents - Kiesosol and Chitosan on the bottom. Give it a week or until crystal clear and rack off that. It is amazing how much extra stuff this drags out of the wine. It did what it should do. You are fine.
That is the clarifying agents - Kiesosol and Chitosan on the bottom. Give it a week or until crystal clear and rack off that. It is amazing how much extra stuff this drags out of the wine. It did what it should do. You are fine.

And make sure you leave all or as much as possible of that behind. You'll have ti do this another time or three later.
You are fine. The Kieselsol and Chitosan are doing their jobs. The wine looks great. There is not too much you can do if you over-sweetened the wine except blend it out with a dryer batch of Riesling.
That looks normal. Its all the fine sediment falling out. Follow your directions and rack, filter, and bottle in 2 to 3 weeks.
Give your carboy a couple quick twist for 3-4 days in a row. As it settles that fine stuff likes to collect in the ridges on the inside of the carboy. Watch along the sides as you do this and you can see the sediment falling (at least with a white wine)
It does look like fine sediment........better on the bottom of your carboy then in your wine! :)
OK, well I guess that makes me feel better. Just weird because it was just as clear in the previous carboy that it sat in for 2 weeks but almost no sediment at that time. At first glance this stuff appeared "sticky" or sugary so at first I attributed it to the F pack, but hopefully is just sediment.

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