Candy Cane wine Recipe

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Boy, you weren't kidding about the starting SG! Diluting it from 2.5 to 3.5 gallons it STILL began at over 1.1!

Also two things I noticed: 1) though raspberry is a complimentary flavor to peppermint, the raspberry/white grape juice concentrate seems to be overwhelming the mint flavor right now, I'd probably use one can of the raspberry/grape and the rest purely white grape (though the color is awesome); 2) for the first half hour of boiling the canes, it is wise to keep it at about medium heat; after that, increase heat slowly if you want to. Mine boiled over three times while trying to find the correct setting, and cleanup from burnt liquid candy cane? Not pleasant.

But yeah, hopefully the peppermint comes out during fermentation, as the peppermint must was strong, but when added to the juice and water, just seemed to vanish. Also will be adding peppermint extract at the end, so I figure it will end up flavorful and full!
Boy, you weren't kidding about the starting SG! Diluting it from 2.5 to 3.5 gallons it STILL began at over 1.1!

Also two things I noticed: 1) though raspberry is a complimentary flavor to peppermint, the raspberry/white grape juice concentrate seems to be overwhelming the mint flavor right now, I'd probably use one can of the raspberry/grape and the rest purely white grape (though the color is awesome); 2) for the first half hour of boiling the canes, it is wise to keep it at about medium heat; after that, increase heat slowly if you want to. Mine boiled over three times while trying to find the correct setting, and cleanup from burnt liquid candy cane? Not pleasant.

But yeah, hopefully the peppermint comes out during fermentation, as the peppermint must was strong, but when added to the juice and water, just seemed to vanish. Also will be adding peppermint extract at the end, so I figure it will end up flavorful and full!

Actually the peppermint in mine really didn't come out, I add some extract to in after fermentation
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I started a batch of Candy Cane Wine yesterday,
the Recipe i used was as follows

40oz of peppermint sticks
(natural flavoring with artificial coloring and corn syrup)​
7 pints of water
1/4 t. lemon juice
3 t. Acid Blend
1/4 t. tannin
1 t. nutrient
1/2 t. energizer
Premier Cuvee Yeast

I placed the peppermint sticks, water, and lemon juice into a large brew kettle and brought to a boil, stirring until the peppermint sticks had fully dissolved.
I then brought the pink sticky mess down to 75 degrees with an ice bath, and checked SG. SG was 1.105, I then added water until SG reached 1.075 (4 additional Cups Total)
I then added the rest of the ingredients and one last good whip with whisk then pitched the yeast.

This Morning there was obvious signs of fermentation (12 hours latter) I gave it another good stir and off to work I went. Tonight the fermentation has seemed to slow way down. there was very little foam and very little bubbles in the air lock.
I know what your gonna say and no I did not recheck the SG and the must temp is holding around 70 degrees.

My question is that since the sugar in the peppermint sticks was corn syrup is the yeast able to break it down the same as simple syrup?

dose something in the recipe look off enough to cause a stuck fermentation?

At this point, do I just relax and see what happens over the next couple of days?

Thanks for the advice
looks good, this is what I did and man i really think it is good and i have had a handful of people who are being real nice to me cuz they want a bottle for Christmas.

for a 3g batch i used:

54 candy canes
1/8 tsp peptic enyzme
6 cans of Welchs white grape concentrate
1 tsp of nutrient
1 tsp energizer
once done fermenting, stabilized, added 24 canes, 1 12 oz bottle of corn syrup (this gave if a better mouth feel) and I decided to add 1 pkg of ghirdelli, 70$ dark chocolate and left that in for about 3 months. Still wasn't getting the peppermint that I wanted so I added about a 1/4 tsp of McCormicks peppermint extract. Now the peppermint is great with a slight chocolate finish.

SG was 1.084 and finished at .995, backsweetened to 1.032.
I've been a good boy! Put me on your list. I've tasted it and it is really good.
I racked mine tonight and it should be ready by CHRISTmas. The taste is great.
Thanks to all.
I dbl checked my SG this morning. its at 1.030, so obliviously it's doing something or at least was! I'll recheck it again in 24 hours to see if there was any change.
Actually the peppermint in mine really didn't come out, I add some extract to in after fermentation

I bought some extract just in case, but while at the tea shop today a thought occurred to me and I picked up an ounce of peppermint tea. I plan to add it at racking and then just add extract if needed. Fermentation is currently slooow (same with my skittle batch) but happening. (insert non-animated smiley)
I bought some extract just in case, but while at the tea shop today a thought occurred to me and I picked up an ounce of peppermint tea. I plan to add it at racking and then just add extract if needed. Fermentation is currently slooow (same with my skittle batch) but happening. (insert non-animated smiley)

I would be very cautious in adding the peppermint tea, simply because tea has tannin in it and you won't want too much tannin added.
I would be very cautious in adding the peppermint tea, simply because tea has tannin in it and you won't want too much tannin added.

Oooh, good thought. I bought from the Tao of Tea, which claims that their peppermint tea is 100% organic peppermint leaves, which i'm sure have some tannins, but it's not mixed with tea leaves, so I'm crossing my fingers. The batch is basically just a sugar fermentation at this point, so I don't think I can make it any WORSE. Will let you know how it turns out! Worst case it'll be ready for next year's xmas instead of this year...
Oooh, good thought. I bought from the Tao of Tea, which claims that their peppermint tea is 100% organic peppermint leaves, which i'm sure have some tannins, but it's not mixed with tea leaves, so I'm crossing my fingers. The batch is basically just a sugar fermentation at this point, so I don't think I can make it any WORSE. Will let you know how it turns out! Worst case it'll be ready for next year's xmas instead of this year...

LOL, you are right you can't make it any worse at this point. The pepperment should be fine, I know some places use tea leaves and just add spices or flavoring to that.

Don't think it is going to be ready for this year, I hate to say this but Christmas is coming up pretty fast.
After Christmas this year I am definitely going to buy discount candy canes to make some of this! :D
Having followed and read this thread since it began, it occured to me that it would be easier to just do a batch using of Welche's White grape juice, and then after the fermentation is all done, back sweeten and add the peppermint extract at that time. Why bother using candy canes at all?
...Am I taking all the fun out of this thread....:slp
I deserved that, I do understand, but I'm getting the impression that the candy canes don't add much to the must, except maybe color.
I DO plan to make a batch, I have about 250 candy canes saved up.
Too late to have it ready for Christmas, but I can definitly have it ready before summer.:xmas
lol, Gee Reefman,

You are taking all the fun out of it! You have no idea what joy it is to unwrap all those candy canes, :h

Actually there is a peppermint flavor, it is just very faint but they do add a real nice color to the wine.
All I can say is have fun taking the wrappers off...LOL

Once you open the 1st one you will understand why.
OK, I have my can't call it Candy Cane wine unless it's made from Candy Canes.
Othewise, it's just peppermint flavored Niagara.