Carboy addict

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Jan 1, 2007
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I started making wine when my kids gave me a wine kit for Christmas.

I have 7 carboys going right now.

Does anyone know of a meeting I can go to for my problem.

I have even been pricing types of grapes to plant for a vineyard.
Did you just start this Christmas? That is sick :D I have been at it for coming on 3 years maybe and only have 7 carboys. I have three 6 gallon, Two 5 gallon and two 3 gallon plus a variety of 1 gallon. I don't foresee buying any more either. I am getting ready to move though where I might be able to put a few vines so if I do plant some, I am sure I will buy some more.

Speaking of vines, do some research before you go and order some vines. There are a few really good books to help you out on this. From Vines to Wines is a great book and Growing Wine Grapes is yet another. You need to decide which trellis system you want to use and get it set-up before you plant your vines.

Also, do soil samples prior to ordering to assure you soil will support the varietal you choose. Make sure the varietal you choose will grow and produce in your climate and altitude as well. For me it was pretty easy as the Muscadine is the only thing that will grow here unless you want to set camp next to the vines and monitor them 24/7. If you pick up both of those books, it will help you with a lot of questions.


Smurfe :)
I have 4 one gallon,5 six gallon and a wife who thinks iy is really cool.

By the way yes this Christmas.

We have 30 acres that are planted in either beans or corn every year.I think it would be good to plant grapes to help support my addiction. We had someone from Purdue out Thursday doing some test and said with the rolling hill landscape it would be good for growing grapes.

Iam ready I just need everyone to send me some grape vines because there to expensive.
SO I take it you are in Indiana. I am from Central Illinois. See if there are any local growers you can get some cuttings from. They are usually cheaper. you never know, you might get some for free. Do some research.

I have 7 carboys going right now.

Does anyone know of a meeting I can go to for my problem.

You need to get yourself to your LHBS. Your problem is you don't have enough carboys!:D

Whenever I go I always seem to come out with another one!

Alas I live too far North to attempt grape growing at any worthwhile level - Not enough Sunshine here. :rolleyes:
You guys are really sick ;)

I just have one 3 gallon carboy with apple wine.
Oh and another one 3 gallon also apple]
Oh and one apple and pear,
And one with mandarine's
Oh and one 10 gallon elderberry
And the last 10 gallon prunes.

That makes just 6 carboys.

I just realise I have 7 EMPTY carboys.............. :eek:

Got to start something new soon.

I just realise I have 7 EMPTY carboys.............. :eek:

Got to start something new soon.

Luc, As you're the only other real devotee to 'non grape wine' like myself on this site I expect half of your carboys to be full by the end of January! :D
You need to fix that empty carboy thing. That will cause you to loose sleep and in some cases even depression.
You really are right guys I am thinking of several
new wines to start.

But I am now lacking some time (making a website, guess what ?
about making wine of course :p ).

But these empty carboys do throw a nasty look at me every time
I pass them by :eek:

I promise I will be good and start some new wines shortly.


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