Carboy Head Space, Need Advice

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Jan 4, 2019
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Good day,

I made my second batch of Merlot kit, hit the clearing stage, and left 3-4 inches of air space in a 5gal carboy. A month in, I realize that was a mistake. I won’t get to it for another two weeks.

If it’s flat or something, can I recover?

Suggestions appreciated. Thank you.
the air space will be okay.make sure any tools touching the wine is sanitized and the so2 level in the wine is 50ppm. 1/4 tsp powered k-meta per 5 gallons will give you the proper level. add about every two months and just before bottling.
Thank you! I have sodium metabisulphite, and ordered potassium metabisulphite. I’ll definitely give it a try. I’ll wait to bottle it until I've added it.

I’ll have to guess the SO2 levels. I looked up checking it and it got complicated quickly for a guy with 3 kids.

Thanks again for the response.
I thought this might be an appropriate thread to add a related question:

I'm racking some moscato to a second carboy to prepare for bottling. I need to let it settle for a couple days between racking and bottling - do I need to worry about airspace in that short time?
Where is your wine in the aging process? I am not too concerned about the headspace for "a couple days," but I am wondering if it will be ready to bottle. How long has it been in the first carboy?
Thanks so much for reply!
I have 2 that I’m planning to bottle on Friday night.

Moscato has been in first carboy for 4 weeks (after 2 weeks fermentation in the primary). It’s perfectly clear, I racked it yesterday and added a bit more f-pac for flavor.

Merlot has been in secondary for ~2 months and has been transferred off the sediment into fresh carboys a couple times.

Both are from fairly inexpensive “4-week” kits off amazon called Wild Grapes
Thanks so much for reply!
I have 2 that I’m planning to bottle on Friday night.

Moscato has been in first carboy for 4 weeks (after 2 weeks fermentation in the primary). It’s perfectly clear, I racked it yesterday and added a bit more f-pac for flavor.

Merlot has been in secondary for ~2 months and has been transferred off the sediment into fresh carboys a couple times.

Both are from fairly inexpensive “4-week” kits off amazon called Wild Grapes

My opinion is that you should be fine with your plan. You may see some sediment in those bottles, but it won't be the end of the world!