Yes the Frontenac are second year. They were 1-Yr-X last year(bareroot)
NW- Yes they are wild ones, they go from red to black when ripe. Yes they do make good wine.
OilnH20: There is a 12 -14 inch high wire in the bigger ones. I put it there for training and a drip line, but didn't need the drip there last year with all the rain. I am using three wires in some varieties for the drip wire and 2 cordon wires for 4-Arm Kniffen on some of them. I am moving over the VSP for most of the new ones. First wire at about 32-36 inches, then two wires(either side of post) every 12-14 inches(four catch wires total) and then the top wire to support bird netting for a total of 6 wires. I stapled this first one for now on the ends, but I can see it will be hard to tighten and adjust with just the gripples. Others put a chain on the ends and hang the wires from nails. I'm trying that next, but need to get some wire splices to accomplish the chain trick.
Did I forget anybody?