Hey Richard,
The shots of the Frontenac leave me wondering if Andy sold me Frontenac Gris by mistake. Mine are still totally green, although showing a bit of translucence now, showing a little of the yellowing that the white varities develop as they ripen. I'll just have to wait and see. It looks like we'll lose an entire week of development while this cold weather drifts through. Down to the mid-forties for several nights, with frost warnings in the western mountains of Maine and NH - sheesh! None of my table grapes have started veraison yet either.
Back to the Frontenac. Did you find you have to spray for PM with yours? if so, what have you used. Of my 5 varieties, only the Frontenacs are showing evidence of infection, with brown speckling of the leaves that spreads quickly up the shoots. I let it go too long, I'm afraid, and only today did I spray with powdered milk to try to stop it. I also have sulfur on hand but have to wonder if I need something stronger. Last year PM was only a very small problem here and there for the Frontenac at the end of summer. I now know that in future I will have to start spraying early with this variety.