It was an interesting day today at the vineyard.. Like I said a couple days ago, we held a Pruning Workshop today. We sparsely advertised the event in the local paper in the event calendar and on public radio. It was held from 2:00 until about 4:00 and then we had a wine tasting until about 6:00 PM. It was cold but sunny and 20 degrees more would have been very nice, but we got through it.
Overall we thought it went very well with about 60 people attending. We covered a lot of subject matter and showed a wide variety of pruning for the subject matter. We had several video cameras taping the procedings and hope to put together the video content for our website and forum. The local paper had a reporter in attendance and he took a lot of video and stills during it. It should be good publicity for our growers association.
Andy Farmer was there from Northeastern Vine Supply. I invited him since we had a number of new and potential growers attending.
We tried quite a few wines which seemed to be well received by all. This was the first tasting of cold hardy varieties by many of the attendees and they seemed to enjoy them. It was gratifying that my Leon Millot that placed with Bronze last year (as a semi-finished wine at the time) was enjoyed by many as being better than the fancy Pinot Noir brought by a guest. As always everybody wanted to buy some St. Pepin, which of course I can't sell. I gave a few bottles out as good will and publicity.
Andy brought a bottle of Brianna from a vineyard in Nebraska. I was glad to try that since I have never had it before. I think it will be a great addition to the eventual lineup.
I wish I had a couple pictures to post, but I was too busy working with the demo to take many. I will post a link to the video when we get it put together.