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Rich, in your response to the post on my thread you said that things look like they are on par with last year's schedule. When do you anticipate the beginning of harvest this year? What are the early ripeners, and what are the last?
Not much time now to answer, but harvest is anticipated to bein about mid-September and then run through when they are all ripe and picked.Early ripeners are Mn1200, Marquette, St Pepin, St Croix and a few others and finish up with Catawba at the end around early to mid- October.
In order to get some pictures in here, I am just posting them here. They are all part of my training system trial a few pages back. These are all three year old vines.

Check out page 184 to see these same vines early this season.

I have started to net as I can- just no enough time for everything. I have two Bird Gard chips alternating in the Bird Gard with 5 speakers set out. I netted the corner closest to the trees and have called in a friend with his crossbow to try to keep the turkeys out.

It is a boatload of grapes for third year vines. I figure they have the cropload of normal 5 year old vines, maybe more. I checked the brix levels today and the reds are close to 20 brix and the whites run about 18.

I got in 8 -70 gallon Flex-Tanks on Thursday. I hope I am bustin' at the seams with storage this fall. I am almost out of whites for the season and I had 3-400 gallons or about 1500 to 2000 bottles this spring.
I now have some videos of the Training Systems Trial on YouTube.
Here is a link to the first and you should be able to see all 5.
Video 1

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Video 3:

Video 4:***RA-Izs&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

Video 5:
Really interesting differences between the different systems.

It is also interesting to me to see how much your vines have prospered, considering our "mutual" late spring and rains. Thanks, Rich!

After examining the vineyard closer, I did suffer significant damage in the vineyard. It was not from grapes being blown off or anything like that, but infrastucture damages. A number of earth anchors pulled right out of the ground from the soil being saturated and plasticized along with the weight of a heavy crop. This allowed the top wire to droop quite a lot between posts. It will need to wait until after harvest to try to replace them and restretch the wires.

Along with that, a number of rows almost blew over. Some are leaning 20-30 degrees from vertical. The posts lean quite a bit with a few having opened up about 8 inches next to the post in the soil. This also exposed the fruit more to the birds so more damage may occur. Vermont got all the press, but our side of the lake was hit almost as bad. A number of towns were cut off here as the bridges washed out.

Today's market in Ausable was canceled as our lot where we hold it was 15 feet under water in the flood and has not been cleaned up yet.

The town where the market is normally Sundays that was cancelled last week flooded very badly. The fire station was obliterated and even left Governor Cuomo aghast when he saw the remains. The market field is still flooded so it is not going on this Sunday. As a show of support some of us vendors decided to hold a Farmer's market the next town over which also took it hard. We want to show the area our support. In order for me to attend I needed to contact the head of the dept at NY Ag and Mkts today to get it designated a bonafide market to allow wine sales. He knew of the plight of the region and expedited it so it can come together. Amazing what a couple calls can do in a time of crisis when placed to the right people. We are donating our rental fees ( at a minimum) to the cause of the town. Expecting 2-4 inches of rain possible this weekend. We really don't need it............................

Sorry to hear that. We had a very soggy springtime and now a repeat in the fall.

It brings up a question, though. Do commercial vineyards carry insurance for crop destruction?

Wow, hope you can manage to hobble through to a successful harvest in a few weeks. Do you normally net the entire vineyard or just certain trouble spots and or varieties?
I normally net the whole thing, but this year I am just doing the areas with most pressure so far. I have the Bird Gard going constantly during the day. We are increasing the netting as often as we can. It is a PITA to deal with, but it beats the wildlife eating the whole crop.